Someone's remaking Day of the Dead...with Nick Cannon in it.


The Secrecies of Horror
Jul 14, 2004
I'm sorry, but this just makes me mad. What's with all the remakes? And why, WHY put Nick Cannon in this movie?

Day of the Dead (2007 film)

Day of the Dead will be a remake of George A. Romero's classic zombie film of the same name. It was the third film of the Living Dead series. Steve Miner has signed on to direct while Jeffrey Reddick will write the script.

The plot of the original film was about a small group of survivors inside of an underground military bunker when the world becomes overrun with zombies.

According to Reddick, this film will not have any connection to Zack Snyder's 2004 remake Dawn of the Dead. Reddick told

It's going to be a separate movie, he told us. We wanted to pay homage to the original with the military and the scientists and the socially relevant stuff that George Romero always does, but we wanted to put a fresh spin on it. There will be similarities, but there'll be differences as well that I think fans will hopefully dig. Steve Miner (Friday the 13th Part 2) is directing, which I'm really excited about.[1]

A teaser poster has surfaced over the internet. There is no word as to whether this is an official poster or simply a fan made one, although it bears a strong resemblance to a poster for Land of the Dead that features a severed hand gripping a fence.

It is produced by Danny Dimbort, one of the producers of The Wicker Man and The Black Dahlia.

There are reports on that a reliable source has stated that Ving Rhames and Mena Suvari have been cast and that Rhames has been cast as Captain Rhodes, originally played by Joseph Pilato. The article also reports that shooting in or around Bulgaria or Romania will begin in July, 2006. [2] Also, IMDb reports that Christa Campbell, Matt Rippy, Vanessa Johansson, Linda Maralowe, Ian McNeice, Taylor Hoover and Hugh Skinner are attached. states:

this is your typical zombie film, virus infects town, people start biting each other and a handfull of survivors trying to make it out of town alive. In this one the military is brought in to enforce a quarrantine on the small town of Leadsville, CO because of the mysterious virus. Once they realize it that the virus eventually makes people attack each other, it's too late, EXCEPT for few.[3]
They're making tones of remakes only because they CAN'T MAKE ANYTHING ORIGINAL ANYMORE... Haven't we discussed this in... 80% of all other threads?
hahaha... i just read an article about his whole not paying the taxes thing. had no idea about it... well... all i can say is that blade is one bad ass muthafucka