Something a little different (Grind.)

Bradd Schlosser

New Metal Member
Jun 2, 2011
1 Burden of Life.m4a

I figured I would make this my first post. This was finished up a few weeks ago and I had a blast working on it. The band was all about creating as hard and raw of a sound as they could. All takes on most instruments were done in 1-3 takes per song. They were pretty specific about no editing (even though there are a few edits through out the album). Guitars were tracked with the guitarist standing in live room next to his cab for feedback purposes. They were really after a Rotten Sound guitar tone and general type of mix with basically more rawness and nastiness. The CD is a total of 12 minutes long (10 songs ha), but it was very refreshing to get such a different style of band in that had a priority of sounding like they did live. Glad to be a part of the forum.
The band is called "Dead in the Dirt". Yeah the tone was really interesting...normally something with that gross of presence is out of the question for me. However, if fits them perfectly in my opinion. The guitars went through a Boss HM-2 which is really where a lot of that tone comes from. Amps used were a Marshall JMP and a Peavey VTM I believe. I forget what cab they went through. The vocalists(3 band members all of which scream) sound ridiculously pissed the entire way through this record, and they were really the main reason why I enjoyed recording the project so much. This actual record will not be released until mid-late summer on vinyl but they have a small sample E.P. out for tour I believe.