Something a little different

The Dark Magician

New Metal Member
Apr 20, 2008
Hi. I don't really post here much but I've been reading the Sneap forums for awhile and have learned so much it's insane.

I'm looking for a little feedback on something. In an effort to improve my mixing skills outside of the metal genre (and because metal hasn't been interesting me recently) I decided to work on a cover of "A Forest" by The Cure. Forest Cover.mp3

Guitars are my Fender Mexican Strat through Amplitube2 (not ideal but it's hard to play through my amp where I live and at the hours I'm up), bass is straight into my interface, drums are EZDrummer and the vocals are through my crappy MXL condenser mic that I've had for years. I'm sure most of you aren't really into this type of music but any kind of of critique would be cool. Thanks! :headbang:
Yeah that's me on vocals! Thanks man. I double tracked them and treated them with a healthy smattering of reverb and delay.
Definitely got that reverse reverbish retro sound to it - fuck, I gotta get this CD back out man!! :)

Actually - I take back the favorite song comment, I think my favorite song of theirs is "Burn" from the Crow soundtrack. That song is epic as hell. This song is really really good though :lol: