Something big is coming for the 5150

I have not been able to think of a way to clear my name without feeling like it was spam in the forums, but there has been need for explanation as to what happened.

To summarize:

Two out of twelve loadboxes that I built had issues with them. They were built side by side to each other and as such had the same problem. The problem was as that time I was using less than stellar soldering equipment and solid wire instead of stranded wire and the circuit board like other companies were floating in the enclosure and not anchored solid. One of the customers decided to repair a broken lead himself, soldering the broken lead to the wrong node which resulted in the unit catching fire. I offered to do repairs even though I didn't need to since it was a void of warranty from unauthorized repair, but I tried everything I could to make it right before cutting ties when I was threatened with a dispute which I have thus won since then. The other user has intermittent problems but refused to have it repaired due to customs.

After those units I completely redesigned the boards. I went solder-less on the board leads and began using mounts to further remove stress on the solder joints. Not only that but I began wet soldering, changing the equipment used and they have been a lot more reliable, and by a lot, I mean, throwing loadboxes off of two story buildings and still working without a scratch stepping/stomping on them, storing them in freezers and ovens. It is safe to say after those two units that went bad, I did recall what I was building and spend large amounts of money to refine the quality of what I build. As a result I have not had a problem since. It has been unfortunate that the very few that did have problems were as vocal as they were, especially the one who did most of the damage to his by trying to repair it himself, then have the nerve to blame it on me. A simple connection coming loose is simple for me to fix, setting the thing on fire because the owner tried a cob job repair is not my fault. Likewise it wasn't a common issue, the vocality of the few unsatisfied customers made it seem worse than it was.

EDIT: Something I feel that I should add is that in both cases, both customers threatened in attempted coercion to break not only US law but international law or even illegally try to con me out of fear only for what, because I wouldn't and couldn't make their demands. At the end of the day, I am human, I made two mistakes out of many units that I have built, should I be demonized and sentenced to damnation for the mistakes I made in the past, all which I am aware of and have learned from those mistakes. Why should my name be that horribly soiled when my error rate for a budget company is marginally small? I am entirely upset that people would do all they could to paint me out as evil reincarnated when I am trying to do something I love, trying to better myself and provide the best back breaking service that I can. I am not unreasonable, I do everything I can to make everyone happy, I don't want a single unhappy customer. I have my financial limits sure but I do whatever is in my power to make better products and make non working products correct, even if I have had now 9 units out of 12 in a row that have had no issue. It is safe to say I have fixed the mistakes of the past and have done everything I could possibly for the 2 mistakes I did make. I am only human, I am already haunted by my mistakes, I would wish nothing more than to put them behind me.
I gotta say... if you're running a business, you shouldn't really be saying things like:

Your unit is completed. I still have to test it and it will be sent out either today or tomorrow, depending on how busy I am with other things.

If you're just a dude on a forum doing this for fun, then cool. But if you're operating a legit business and are trying to expand and make it grow, then "busy with other things" should not come into it. At that point, I am a customer and I've paid you money, I should not have to wait for you to get your dog cleaned before I get my product.

And you *really* need to sort your shipping prices and times out. Use a better service, and don't bundle in warranty costs and support costs into POSTAGE. That shit is for eBay losers, not legitimate businesses.
I'm not really digging the "after" TBH. It's brighter but it's neither pristine nor is the breakup as pleasant as the stock clip.

As far as the biz side goes, I've seen several situations in different forums where project biz guys get immediately over there head and have complaints. I can tell you that never once has fighting back and attacking customers worked out well (it doesn't matter who's right). The same sounding board that gives you immediate access to a worldwide customer base gives your customers a world wide sounding board for complaints.
Well I will reveal what it is...the clip posted in the OP is the first clips of the prototype of a new preamp I have been working on the past few months. The clip was raw yes, but the biggest thing that I was trying to capture was the increase in dynamic response, completely clean headroom with no saturation, more but tighter and intelligible bass and and increased sustain. The clip didn't capture the extreme of in the room.

Even at that, the people that didn't like the clip, yes I did have the mids scooped in the clip and as I have been finding out the controls are so touchy and responsive that the dialed in settings weren't the best, the highs were too low, a bit too much bass. It also really doesn't help having a closed back 412 cabinet with v30s doesn't help either, obviously or at least IMO best clean tones come from open back 212s with alnicos or greenbacks. The controls are really versatile and as a result not forgiving to those not quite used to dialing real clean sounds like myself. I am the kind of guy who can plug into a strat, put in on the neck pickup into a twin reverb with the settings all at noon and start to completely drool.

The preamp in itself was based around the idea of making a footswitchable clean channel that could be added as an extra channel to any amp without the need of AB/Y boxes etc. The clean channel is based on a twin reverb with a few twists, including a front end of an SD-1 and TS-9 hybrid designed in a way to add good bite but a soft and not fuzzy high end. The highs are clean even during high amounts of breakup as the breakup is only limited to the mids. In the room the breakup sounds beyond gorgeous, a lot smoother crunchier and not as brittle as trying to dial in similar sound on the amp. Funny enough the distortion doesn't sound solid state either, it is pretty convincing for being diode based.

I will have to spend more time trying to dial in some better sounds. If I had better guitars/cabinets for the process and a know how of dialing in clean tones a bit better you would be able to hear the dramatic results.
Got around to testing everything out under a real mic (an SM57) and the dramatic difference in the room is now there. Guitar sucks for cleans, clipping in the first clip is from the EMGs.

Settings of the 5150 are typical settings for high gain with the green channel, no changes were made when going to the preamp, mic position was the same. The difference in tone is therefor entirely the result of the two preamps compared.

New Preamp II
5150 Stock II

With my guitars sucking for cleans if Anyone has DIs or can point me to DIs that have clean tone performances let me know so I can get something that better represents this preamp.