Something cool from one of the interviews I did...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
As an interviewer, you ideally want a singer or a guitar player (someone who's involved in the writing process) and someone who's an original member of the band (so that they can speak to the whole history of the band). So when I reached out to StormWarrior and was told my contact would be bass player and new member Yenz Leonhardt, I was a little concerned that it might not be a good interview. Ironically, he was a fantastic interview, one of the best I've done in 2010. Part of the reason I enjoyed chatting with his so much, was because he gets it. And I always find it very cool when the musicians get it. With that said, here are two questions from the forthcoming interview (hopefully Glenn and Deron won't mind this unofficial micro-tease):

Greg: So in September, you guys will be playing the next edition of ProgPower. This will actually be your third trip, as you've been here with both Savage Circus and Iron Savior. What have you told the STORMWARRIOR guys to expect from this festival?

Yenz: Yeah... I could just tell them, when the idea arose, people started saying, "Oh America, the dollar value is so low... and customs and papers." And I said, "Relax, these people are so cool. It's just like the people we know here." The community built up around ProgPower, it's all very nice people. People that you can really stand in the corner, drinking beers and talking for hours with, everybody in the whole hall. So I just told them to relax. And we want to pay this hospitality back by doing a great show over there. That's really how it is.

A later follow-up...

Greg: Earlier we touched on the fact that you've performed at ProgPower twice. I'm curious, for you personally, was one of those performances a more enjoyable show? Any memories or thoughts about those experiences that stick out?

Yenz: I have to say both times I was really amazed how cool the sense of community is there. That you can just go and talk to anybody. It feels like, "Let's go have a drink and talk about Heavy Metal or Rock n Roll, or whatever." They're all good people, everyone is in the know. Nothing there is superficial or anything. It's just a very cool... like a vintage Metal feeling there.
So when I reached out to StormWarrior and was told my contact would be bass player and new member Yenz Leonhardt, I was a little concerned that it might not be a good interview.

Yenz is one of the coolest guys ever to perform at ProgPower. He is a VERY nice guy, (Danish of course, hehe), knows his metal, has played with 50% of all bands in Europe over the years and can play any instrument.

Want to hear him do glam metal / hair metal: listen to his 80's band GEISHA (he was the vocalist).

Want to hear him do sleaze rock: listen to his early 90's band =Y= (again, he was the vocalist - FANTASTIC band!!!)

Want to hear him do classic hard rock w a metal edge: listen to ZOSER MEZ (vocals, with ex-King Diamond/Mercyful Fate members) or Kingdom Come (guitar).

Want to hear him play power metal: listen to Stormwarrior (bass), Iron Saviour (guitar) or Savage Circus (guitar).

Want to hear him play gothic rock: listen to Lacrimosa (bass).

Yenz has done everything, and he's awesome at it.

Wow, I am starting to think this Claus guy knows what the hell he is talking about. :lol:
Very cool, Zod! Thanks for sharing. Always good to see/hear band members carrying the PPUSA flag. It's a credit to the fest, as well as the people who attend.:headbang:
Want to hear him do glam metal / hair metal: listen to his 80's band GEISHA (he was the vocalist).

Want to hear him do sleaze rock: listen to his early 90's band =Y= (again, he was the vocalist - FANTASTIC band!!!)

Is that the band with Oliver Steffensen on guitar? If so, that's cool. Steffensen was also the original guitarist in Freak of Nature, Mike Tramp's post-White Lion band. Both of their albums are absolutely amazing. What exactly do Geisha and Y sound like? Can you draw any comparisons to other bands?

Is that the band with Oliver Steffensen on guitar? If so, that's cool. Steffensen was also the original guitarist in Freak of Nature, Mike Tramp's post-White Lion band. Both of their albums are absolutely amazing.

Yes, that's the one. Band also included Tony Reno (Europe) and Hal Patino (King Diamond). It's not really like FoN though - it's more sleazy, kind of like Guns'N'Roses on an acid trip :) They made a fantastic EP and a pretty good full length.

What exactly do Geisha and Y sound like? Can you draw any comparisons to other bands?

Geisha was typical 80's glam/hair metal (think Ratt, Motley etc) ... only 1 real album (Phantasmagoria) and a couple of demo tapes. It was actually Pete Blakk (King Diamond band) who played the guitars on the album, and Tony Reno (Europe, and later in =Y=) on drums.

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