To the cool people I met.....


Mike the Cop
Aug 4, 2002
To all the cool people who I met, some who's names I can remember (RottingFlesh, Se7enChurches, Ernie from Miami - you better email me you bastard, my friends and taxi drivers in MAGISTRAL, Brian and his gf, Junnie from the East, who owes me photo's for that Silent Force guitar pic, Glenn himself, Daybreaker, and the people I talked to but dont know the names of, you are all some of the coolest people around, and you guys make the show great as much as the bands do. No pushing, shoving, violently drunk assholes, just cool people who want to talk about metal, hang out, and meet more cool people.

Great to meet you all, see you next year for sure.

Hey Mike,

I agree with you. I had a lot of fun with the people I met at the concert. If you got to the venue early like me, and watched the concert from the center front row, I probably talked to you. I was the brazilian guy wearing a brazilian Jersey, I came from San Francisco to see the concert, I was the first one to arrive on saturday morning. I remember I met a guy named Keith, two brothers and a couple from Indianapolis. I unfortunately did not get their e-mails...I hope we find eachother on this forum. You guys were awsome! I went to Atlanta by myself and had very good company!

See you guys next year!
I am the guy from Indianapolis (Costa Rica-Germany-Paraguay). My email is
The drive back to Indy just destroyed me, so I decided to skip school today (I still went to work though) I could sleep for a week!
I just found out that Palmeira descended into the second division. That sucks! At least my Dallas Mavericks are still unbeaten (we play the Lakers next) Nowitzki rules!
Are you going to the BG/SyX show in San Francisco?
To all the others I met standing in line for hours, it was great meeting you. We will probably meet again next year when we'll once again take over the front row of ProgPower.
Until then, stay heavy!

Sorry to but in your post dude.

Whoever is going to the Sym X/BG show in SF , I am thinking of doing a pre show get together somewhere, Dustin from Kat5 and his girlfriend Sheri are also coming to it and for the out of towners I would like to have something cool to do,hangout ,talk music whatever. I will post details on the Sym X board after I get some feedback. Lates

Metal Icarus, I think you were the guy I was running into all weekend, with the long hair pulled back? Running around getting autographs at the pre-party too??

Linda! The first Georgia peach I ever met!

Def plan to keep in touch w/ you all
Hey Mike,

Nice meeting you too. I knew we'd figure out that song (Jag Panzer) eventually. I didn't see you much after the preparty because i was too busy watching the bands all weekend, but it was definitely cool meeting you. see you next time around (or at the Virgin Steele show at the Downtown if you're going to it)

I didn't talk to many people, but I was the guy at the very start of friday that was trying to sale gold badges. I was also the looser that had a sign saturday trying to sale the last one. I'm not a jerk, but im not very talktive at the these things eather.
Hey my dear friends,

Yeah I was the brazilian guy with the girlfriend who is into merengue... BLAHHAH

It was really cool to meet everybody and bang heads together!!

Those amigos from Honduras and Costa Rica were really fucking it up with GAMMA RAY!@!

And my fellow Brazilians ANGRARULES and guardian you guys stay metal !!

Brian - Ya man where the hell did you go off to?? We were holding a spot for you for edguy's signing session.

Se7en Churches - Ya JAG PANZER!! Haha, only took about 20 minutes!

Cool to meet ya both!
We should all exchange emails so we can meet up next year.
Bear, yes, I am definately going to this concert, see you there! I will probably be wearing my progpower 3.0 shirt.

Rock on! :rock:
Hey Guardian26, just to let you know, I don't have long hair pulled back... my hair is short, but I might have met you there... I was always among the first people in line and the front center row wearing my Angra shirt on Friday and my brazillian Jersey on Saturday...

This was my first Proppower and I had a lot of fun...I will definately be there next year again...

See you guys!