New People I Met This Year, PPUSA forum edition


Señor Member
Mar 25, 2003
Cleveland, OH USA
To quote something I heard several times this year: "The bands are gravy." In truth, the bands rocked, but even if they didn't, I'd still go for the social experience... for me, the FANS -- my friends -- are the biggest reason for attending.

Since my list of previous friends and acquaintances is too long to enumerate (and I'd probably screw it up anyway ;) ), I'll address the people I met for the first time this year, with apologies to anyone I'm leaving out:

Linda "There'll Always Be A Place For You In Cleveland" Rottingflesh
Blackwater Nymph (I didn't get a chance to bust your "balls" for seeing PC69 ;) )
Robin (= RealM, from this board?)
Anne Marie from BEC
Barb (from VA?)
DTMetalFan (Samantha)
Backwards Roger and Bryan (these two guys are hard core)
Rod (Kyle's brother)
Metaldrumz (was that you, down in front, getting man-love from David Readman during PC69?)
Julie (I think that was her name... does she post here?)
the dudes from Tennessee who helped us out with seating (thanks a ton!)
Kobi from Orphaned Land
The Q (actually, Sean, I met you at Powerfest, but I have to mention you so I can bust your balls for not remembering me :lol: )

I think I met more new and memorable people at this ProgPower than I've met at a festival since Powermad 2000... so please, go easy on me. :) If I missed you, please don't hesitate to say so!

I missed meeting Lara the Freakchylde for the second year in a row... part of the reason I'm particularly bummed about this is because someone tried to point her out to me and I couldn't find her... and I was too shy to walk around the area going, "Are YOU Lara?... Are YOU Lara?..." :lol: I also didn't meet MetalRose (although I saw one person in particular with big enough tits to be her, LOL) and posse, Tammy (I wanted to share SW Michigan stories! and I was curious to see if she was as hot in person as she is in pics ;) but what can I say, I'm a redhead fan), Colleen (also for the second year in a row) 7th Savior, Barking Pumpkin, General Zod, AngraRules, and probably a slew of others from this board who were there.

whew. This post was originally intended as a quick "shout-out", and it turned into an hour long event. ;) Thanks for coming everyone, and see you next year, or perhaps at Powerfest 2006!
booB said:
I missed meeting Lara the Freakchylde for the second year in a row... part of the reason I'm particularly bummed about this is because someone tried to point her out to me and I couldn't find her...

Are you kidding? I saw her at the Pre-Party. I told my companion that she was FreakChylde from the PPUSA / PMX-Pub forums. He asked me how I knew. I answered - who else could she be?!? :wave:

Hint for next year - Pigtails. :)

I didn't see you, were you down on the floor level most of the event? I figured that's where a bunch of people I would have recognized were.

I didn't really talk to people besides the guy who's not on the forums I hung out with on Saturday, because I'm pretty shy about going up to new people. Some of you guys look to generic to recognize in the sea of metalheads. :loco: People I saw or caught glimpses of at some point were Bryant, J-Dubya (I think he had a look-a-like there also), urinalcakemix, KimK, MetalRose (Saturday with the bubblewrap), Rider Of Theli, Regor, Pellaz, Megawozniak, Sautheramon, and probably a couple of other people. I didn't notice AngraRULES or dargormudshark or you, booB.
I didn't see you, were you down on the floor level most of the event?

Nope, my friend Joe and I were mostly in seats, in the vendor area, or circling the lobby. I did get down on the floor for part of Stratovarius.
I will do the same thing here.... as it is always seeing people i already had met and my BUDS (to name a few Q, Kathy, James, Shaye and your old man, Kim, Metal, Bryant and the misses, Adrian, Raven, mike the DAMN COP, Tim, Paul, NJ Joe, Jonathan and Ana, Al, Jason K, Ann Marie, Edu, my death metal buds from Mexico)

I met so many more people this year and I did not think that was possible....
Boob (you were just plain awesome and I will be BACK to Cleveland!), Chris R (pool fun), Steph (you are my twin, i just know it), General Zod and his better half, Britt, Paul (Chicago), the girl with Adam that name escapes me, Mike from Prymary, Metal Seamstress and friend (another escape), Tracy, Alisha (still think you should have bought the top), Robin, the sponsor girl backstage, man am i bad with names!!!!!!!!
I met so many great people, my first ProgPower = best weekend of my life. I don't remember screennames well, but among the awesome people I met:

booB the Bathory frat boy, Jim, Sanna, Nathan, Matt, Justin, Amanda, Chris, Alex, and a bunch of people from another forum I post on. Meeting the OL guys was incredible, Kobi is the best. I think I probably owe my life to most of the people I met/hung out with in Atlanta. If you guys ever need an internal organ or something, let me know.
Easy way to find me...ask Zilla, KimK or Aeturnia. While pigtails are a good indicator, I wasn't wearing them Thursday or Saturday. I was the only chick onstage for the crew call-out. I didn't spend much time in public this year, most of it was backstage. Sorry I missed you!
I was the only chick onstage for the crew call-out.

fuckfuckfuckfuck... yes, I DID see you then! I guess I didn't realize that was you, because I didn't know you were working crew this year. :)
Oh.....booB was the guy in the shorts and Bathory shirt on Friday night?

I did see you then. I saw you outside and someone was asking you if anyone had kicked your ass for wearing that shirt yet. :p

Or was that a different guy in a Bathory shirt?
I'm terrible with names. To then have to convert names to faces, and then faces to online nicks? Not going to happen. Suffice it to say, I met a lot of cool people. Some that I've met before, some that I met for the first time. For some strange reason, I think I met everyone who wore a corsett. Perhaps that's just a strange coincidence?:loco:

booB said:
Tammy (I wanted to share SW Michigan stories! and I was curious to see if she was as hot in person as she is in pics ;) but what can I say, I'm a redhead fan)
:oops: I was looking forward to meetin gyou too booB!! You're too sweet! Sorry to say, but I'm not a natural redhead :lol:

Maybe next year we can have a corkboard or markerboard where forum members can check in, say they've arrived, leave a picture, and leave notes for other members. I liked the collage that someone printed out and put in the Vinyl - I thought that was a great idea! eventhough you forgot me *grumbles* :Smug:

I was mistaken for FreakChyld and JaimeK about a million times this weekend, but suprisingly many people DID know my forum name.

I had a ton of fun meeting new people and seeing my whole crew again! MetalRose, Shaye, Tracy, Kim - I love you gals!!

Ripperjack, it was a pleasure as always! I'll stop at nothing to make sure you're there again next year!

80s_AL - you're like a brother to me now! Thanks for being so totally awesome!

Kathy & James, you two have a friend for life! Your kindness and generocity are unparalled!

Bear, you're a sweetheart! Drew you had the best room afterparty on Friday night! Linda you're a sweetie, Shannon thanks for all the ass-grabs (lol), all of Ripperjack's friends - you guys made my weekend so special! I love you all from the bottom of my heart!

We need to make solid plans for an Official Forum Breakfast next year!

Barking Pumpkin said:
I didn't really talk to people besides the guy who's not on the forums I hung out with on Saturday, because I'm pretty shy about going up to new people.

Something similar happens to me, about going up to new people, by the language's barrier, i can read english well, write it.... so so, but i'm not a good english speaker (i need practices), this is a barrier to me to know new people.
But in spite of this i knew some people (angarules, Milton, eres una buena persona, fue un gusto conocerte!) and i recognized almost all the people of "name with faces thread" , (at the vendors door was a collage with this pictures)
I saw it before she found a place to put it up then i saw it when you walk in the Vinyl club on the was near the bathrooms if i remember correctly.
Damnit, I should have. *kick* *kick*

It was great to meet a lot of you for the first time -- if I start naming names I'll be late to work -- but a special shout out to Dargormudshark: you rule. (Three performances for the weekend, including ProgPower 6.1 at the Grenada. :D )
UGH, I forgot an important person - Hoyt and his son, they were so cool and local.....

rottingflesh said:
I will do the same thing here.... as it is always seeing people i already had met and my BUDS (to name a few Q, Kathy, James, Shaye and your old man, Kim, Metal, Bryant and the misses, Adrian, Raven, mike the DAMN COP, Tim, Paul, NJ Joe, Jonathan and Ana, Al, Jason K, Ann Marie, Edu, my death metal buds from Mexico)

I met so many more people this year and I did not think that was possible....
Boob (you were just plain awesome and I will be BACK to Cleveland!), Chris R (pool fun), Steph (you are my twin, i just know it), General Zod and his better half, Britt, Paul (Chicago), the girl with Adam that name escapes me, Mike from Prymary, Metal Seamstress and friend (another escape), Tracy, Alisha (still think you should have bought the top), Robin, the sponsor girl backstage, man am i bad with names!!!!!!!!
It was a sheet on the wall next to the entrance to the Vendor area. Someone just compiled most of the pictures from the "Names With Faces" thread and added the forums nicks to them. Definitely some effort put into it.
Robin (= RealM, from this board?)
I couldn't tell if she said RealM or roamer, it was pretty loud during Strato. I sent a board PM to roamer, I hope I guessed right o_O. Both are from Atlanta.

Nope, its RealM. Doh.
Either way you will do fine.... Roamer and RealM are best friends.... one is male, one female...

Riceloft said:
I couldn't tell if she said RealM or roamer, it was pretty loud during Strato. I sent a board PM to roamer, I hope I guessed right o_O. Both are from Atlanta.

Nope, its RealM. Doh.
Barking Pumpkin said:
I didn't really talk to people besides the guy who's not on the forums I hung out with on Saturday, because I'm pretty shy about going up to new people.

...i didn't go up to alot of peeps either, only because i wouldn't really know what to say...(even though i was in my element all those nites)...i have a great memory for faces and recognized everyone who posted pix...i would have felt kinda dumb going up to everyone i recognized and say you're so-n-so every nite... :loco: