Something different: Is anyone else (getting) drunk right now?


Oct 23, 2002
Augusta, GA (Lost in the Twilight Hall)
You read it, you clicked it! To answer my own question, 'Yes, I am.' I'm listening to 'Watershed' for the billionth time in the last few days and drinking lots of good beer. Wassail!

Anyone else?

P.S. I realize this is a 'shit thread'. But... cut me some slack, I'm drinking!
I'm on my third Strongbow right now - the beverage that is sweeping the nation!
Fuck, seems like everbody I know is goin for the Bow these days.... is that wrong?

My English friend says, when he was lad, Bow was what grotty teens drank in alleys...
But here in Canada, they're kinda new - adds a whole new level to the game. Thanks Bow!

Confession: okay, I'm on my fourth.... ha ha
Ugh, bad hangovers are pretty much the worst. Lying around for most of the day, utterly nauseated? No thanks. On the other hand...

... I might have a little one after this monster I'm drinking now: Victory Twelve. It's 12% alcohol, and tastes fantastic! And this bottle is like... 1 pt. 9.4 fl. oz. @_@ It's formidable. But it tastes so great....
Who's got some hangover cures? What do most of you take/drink to prevent hangovers??
I found that drinking Gatorade before going to bed with 2 aspirin helps but not always.
Who's got some hangover cures? What do most of you take/drink to prevent hangovers??
I found that drinking Gatorade before going to bed with 2 aspirin helps but not always.

Yeah drinking heaps of water before bed helps and taking aspirin. In the morning, vegemite toast. Though I guess the non Australians aren't into that.

I get a fucked up hangover if I drink ever one drink, so sometimes I figure I am going to be sick anyway, and drink heaps. :p
I agree with Lisra. You could always not drink at all, but... BLEH!

A combination of exhaustion, bad-mood, and alcohol are rendering me quite intoxicated right now. My bad mood is being eased by delicious beer: I always feel better when a really delicious brew comes my way - it's not just the alcohol.
Who's got some hangover cures? What do most of you take/drink to prevent hangovers??
I found that drinking Gatorade before going to bed with 2 aspirin helps but not always.
What causes a hangover is that alcohol holds liquid and your body can't use it, so you get a headache because your brain doesn't get enough moisture, or something, so that's what you need to prevent.

So yeah, what Katie said, drinking a bunch of water before you go to bed should help, cause it moisturizes your body. Anyway, I usually don't suffer bad hangovers and I have rarely been sick of drinking alcohol, as in, throwing up, happened only twice in my life, last time like 7 years ago.. It's not that I drink very little, I can really drink quite a lot, but the point where I get really drunk to the level where I would get sick and get hangovers lies beyond the point where I just stop drinking because I've simply had enough and it doesn't taste good anymore.

You still with me..? :cool:
What causes a hangover is that alcohol holds liquid and your body can't use it, so you get a headache because your brain doesn't get enough moisture, or something, so that's what you need to prevent.

I always thought i got a headache cuz i was dehydrated and my liver had been working for like 6 hours....but should drink alot of water....
You get headache a.) hedydration and b.) because the ethanol is turned into ethanal (or whatever it is in english) in your liver, which is pretty poisonous.

Or at leats that's what they told me in school.
What causes a hangover is that alcohol holds liquid and your body can't use it, so you get a headache because your brain doesn't get enough moisture, or something, so that's what you need to prevent.

So yeah, what Katie said, drinking a bunch of water before you go to bed should help, cause it moisturizes your body. Anyway, I usually don't suffer bad hangovers and I have rarely been sick of drinking alcohol, as in, throwing up, happened only twice in my life, last time like 7 years ago.. It's not that I drink very little, I can really drink quite a lot, but the point where I get really drunk to the level where I would get sick and get hangovers lies beyond the point where I just stop drinking because I've simply had enough and it doesn't taste good anymore.

You still with me..? :cool:

Yeah I thought it was from dehydration. I get the same headache when it is very hot in summer and I have no water.=
Usually I do a test when I am in the toilets. Where I find a spot on the wall, and gradually through the night I check if it is moving. When my vision goes so fucked that it is moving, I stop drinking.

I have only thrown up from drinking a couple of times when I was a teen. Now I usually throw up in the morning lol. :puke:
Though I have been drinking nearly every single day for the last week, but I started a gluten free diet and I AM NOT SICK! :headbang: