Something Different


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
Manticora Aspic and Chaudfroid Platter
Its made from Water, Milk, Gelatin, and Food Coloring


Basiclly Its Jello, and it is complicated, I had to cut out each "M" and pour its color wait for it to stiffen, after I had finished the 3 "m"s I had to cut it out and repour the background. I messed up a lil bit because the Chaudfroid was to hot and it streaked, it took about 3 1/2 hours to complete :)
It's awesome, but it goes to prove some of us have entirely to much free time. heheheheheheheheh
hehehe The first people outside of school I showed it to was the Mantidudes. I got lucky to have the free time to do it, We hammered out all our prep early in the week, which is why I was able to pull it off, it is only the second platter of that type I have ever done. Thank you for the kind words guys!