something i am very pissed about ....


From Wisdom to Hate
Dec 14, 2001
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this has nothing to do with Opeth btw. ....i'm just gonna rant ...

see... i lived in Germany for 4 years....and over time there i learned to speak PERFECT German....i mean ...i was like ... top student, my grammer was outstanding and all that nice shit ....then ...i moved to Canada... had no one to talk to in German, learned to speak English (thank you comic books!!! such a great way of learning the language :D) and life went on .... well, since about a year ago, i noticed that i had forgotten SO MUCH of the German language ....i mean ....i don't even bother saying that i speak the language anymore because it's so fucking HARD!!! W.T.F??????? is there something wrong with me or something ???? i loved speaking German's such a nice language once you know it.....but alas ....i lost it :(:(:( .....GOD I'M PISSED!!!! it's like ....i hear it ....and it all comes down so fast that i can't make out anything for speaking ....HAAAAH! not a chance.....
Sorry about that. I never had a chance to learn German. I took 2 years of French and have forgotten what little I did know. I was always one of the better students in the class, but there's no way I could actually hold a conversation. If you don't practice the language, you lose it. :(

I think this thread will be moved to the Off Topic forum. :)

1. Was versteht man unter dem Energieerhaltungssatz und unter welcher physikalischen Voraussetzung gilt er ?

2. Ein Auto prallt mit v = 108 kmh-1 gegen eine feste Mauer. Aus welcher Höhe müsste es frei herabfallen, um die gleiche zerstörende Energie zu bekommen (g = 10 ms-2)?
45 m

3. Ein Stein (m = 100 g) wird von einem hohen Turm fallen gelassen. Er erreicht nach einem Fallweg von 100 m die Geschwindigkeit v = 20 ms-1.
Wie groß ist der betragsmäßige und prozentuale Energieanteil, der an die Luft übertragen wurde?

m g h = 1/2 m v2 ==> ve = (2 g h)1/2 = (2*10 ms-2*100m)1/2
= 44,3 ms-2
E1(ve=44,3ms-1 beih=0) = 1/2 m v2 = 1/2 * 0,1 kg * (44,3ms-1)2=
= 98,12 J
E2(v=20,0ms-1 beih=0) = 1/2 m v2 = 1/2 * 0,1 kg * (20,0ms-1)2=
= 20 J
E = E1 - E2 = (98,12 - 20) J = 78,12 J

german is afucked language!