Something I thought i'd share...


Here's to hoping...
Jan 24, 2004
Got this done a month or two back, but i'm very happy with how it came out.

i was gonna get one on my chest the day i turned hour after i decided to get one, i realized i don't really want one....good story huh?

that is cool though man
heh. ive seen at least two patients in four years who had tattoos on their dicks. i thought that was funny and i thought i should share it with you all. one said something hilarious like, "female filling station". no fucking joke.
dorian gray said:
heh. ive seen at least two patients in four years who had tattoos on their dicks. i thought that was funny and i thought i should share it with you all. one said something hilarious like, "female filling station". no fucking joke.
:OMG: Thank God the O isn't on my penis. :cool:
yeah. i cant imagine that being tatooed on my dick.
another good one was some guy had some chicks name on his johnson. classy.

by the way: prior to my current job, i worked as an RN in an ICU, where many a patient would be unconscious. thus, during an assessment, we would get a pretty good look at any thing unusual - like a tatoo on someones dick.
anyway, didnt want anyone to think i was some kind of porn star or something.......
it's my right calf. I wanted to get a close up picture because the guy did such a great job on the detail. :)
tattoos are expensive... if you get one on your leg, you may as well wear shorts 100% of the time or you've wasted your money :D

although, i suppose it would work out better for him if he stops liking opeth for some reason... then all he has to do is NOT wear shorts :)
mot- said:
Haha, much fun in 20 years when you're musical tastes are completely different. :p

You're the 10943783597439th person to tell me that.

Sure, my musical tastes will more than likely change, but it documents a time where I believed in something very strongly. Don't think i'll ever regret it.

Feicht - Got it on my leg so I can still look professional, in all likelyhood my job wont be cool enough for me to have visible tattoos. :cry:
Damnationx said:
Got this done a month or two back, but i'm very happy with how it came out.

Sorry to be a dick but...


I appreciate your love for Opeth to get that tattoo but it's SO unoriginal...about 234,000 other Opeth fans have that very same O...what's the point of getting a tattoo that everyone and their mother has?
Triste said:
Sorry to be a dick but...


I appreciate your love for Opeth to get that tattoo but it's SO unoriginal...about 234,000 other Opeth fans have that very same O...what's the point of getting a tattoo that everyone and their mother has?
I think after Evisceratrix go her's done years ago, this was the popular consensus. I remember a few other people posting their "O" tattoo only to be flamed, but everyone thought Ev's was cool. Probably because she was a girl haha...sadly.
Whatever does it for you. I personally don't get tattooing a band logo on yourself, it feels like having band merch stapled to your back and forced to live with it, but if you get gratification out of it, that's fine. Obviously the band will be flattered too, and its a testament to their music and/or popularity.
I think Moonlapse said it best, really.

Anyway, i'm not concerned about originality, that was deffinetly not a reason for me getting this tattoo. It was personal for me, and I don't really care who else has it. Around here, you'd be hard pressed to find an Opeth fan, nevermind a fan with the O tattoo. Not that i'd really care either way.

And why flame people? they obviously like the band if they're getting the tattoo, heh.

My Mom has the right idea, if I ever have a daughter, name her Ophelia! :tickled: