Something I Wrote One Day


Not What You See
Dec 8, 2001
Eden Prairie, Minnesota
I decided that when I wrote this journal one day, it sounded really good... I want to share it with everyone, well, here it goes:

Reflecting back on my fifteen years of life, I can see all the misery and pain. A lot of things have hurt me. I hope to leave it all behind

I still do not know myself, because I don't know what I want in life that'll make me happy. Perhaps I should look deep inside myself and smile, but I cannot, for there are things within me that keep me miserable.

At the moment I am very unhappy. I see all the happy people, and that's all well and good, but what I really want is not something I can just get. Maybe I should be different, but what would that do?

I am afraid of being lonely. I don't like sitting at home hoping someone will call. People rarely ask me to hang out. I definitely wish I could do more stuff with people. They're always busy though, one way or another.

Sometimes I try to put myself in another person's place, and I get even more upset than I am. I get jealous too easily. Selgaes (A dance where the girls ask the guys) is coming up, and the person I wanted to go with asked someone else. He's a lucky guy to be able to go with her.

Never, never, never will I let go of myself. I hold onto who I am, and who I always will be. I can't be broken, because I'm already in pieces, and trying to put myself back together. I don't want to get into drugs or alcohol. And I will not judge others based on looks.

I am continually more aware of keeping my friends. I want to make sure that they know I care. I always want to be there for them, but I can't always be. Many things I have done wrong recently, and I cannot forget some people who I loved so much, but they hate me now.

Oh, I hate things that I never thought I would. I've told the girl I liked how I felt, and she doesn't know. I wonder if I should come more out, and open my heart to her; or if I should hold it all inside and keep myself locked up. Never have I realized how effective my words might be. I love so much, but hate other things too. I guess that's how ironic life can be.
I still do not know myself, because I don't know what I want in life that'll make me happy. Perhaps I should look deep inside myself and smile, but I cannot, for there are things within me that keep me miserable.

I know...I don't know myself either and I'm almost nineteen:cry:

The most beautiful journal I have ever read!
I hate poetry so I can't give an opinion about that one.
Anybody thinks Darkthrone-lyrics are poetry?...if not poetry, I would just call them beautifull
Some examples:

Horned Master of Endless Time
Summon thy Unholy Disciples
Trained for Centuries to Come.
Gather on the highest Mountain
United by Hatred;
The final Superjoint Ritual...

I Shall Never forget You, the Best
of All there is, I Lick Your Cold Lips,
I Embrace Your Coffin as I sigh in woe.
You Never Kissed the Priest, You Never
Drank the blood of jesus. Weird, they say-
well, turn it upside down like You did,
and they Kill, KILL, and they take You away...

Drinking the Poisoned Blood
I Enter My Shadowed Coffin
Two GoatHorns in My Hands
I Raise My arms and Close My Eyes
to Receive the Infernal Hails
from my Brother in the Land of The Damned.

We'll burn your worthless bodies
and send the fire and stench
to heaven high, Remind your worthless
god, that our victory is complete
Clean this earth of holy bitches
Desecrate mother mary
hey dead winter , why sharing that much personal stuff with
hatecrew fans ? your looking for sympathy ? i guess you wont find it around here...i already said it , its the hatecrew forum...
well for myself i can tell you 3 things : 1 - this is not poetry ,
2 - i feel even more down and dead within , 3 - if you need someone to talk , am here for that man ! i may be able to help you a bit...or make you sink even more down...thats a risk to take...
@dilema1362: I'm glad I could explain your life, I guess that makes us a lot alike.

@humus666: That's a great song, lol... It's ok, I don't need opinions.

@OceanbarD: I'm not looking for sympathy, I wish someone could help me through life some more... But that's something I talk to my friends about. And I didn't mean for it to be poetry...

I was looking for more replies to see what everyone thought... that's all.
Well I am 15, I understand what you mean, I have and am going through hard stuff, But I agree with OceanBarD I think that it is kind of silly to go on something like this and type your journal. It almost seems that depression is cool to some, and they want to share it, I have noticed that anyways. I wouldn't go to a message board and spill my guts to a lot of people I don't know, that is obviously looking for sympathy...
I would like to talk sometime though....we are the same age, maybe i will contact you.
ha. i dissagree. the only people who pretend depression is cool do exactly that. pretend. they're looking for attention, so they convince themselves that things are worse off than they actually are. Its a self-esteem problem. Its not that i like this journal entry just because it sums up alot of things i think to myself. I like it because of the way that some of the ideas are worded. It is well written. if anything, its not sympathy he searches for. Its empathy.

its impossible to keep EVERYTHING in ALL the time, if you do, you will explode...but there are some things that should be kept to yourself.