Something mildly manic in Drop A. (Axe-FX)


Jocke Skog
Jan 8, 2007
Stockholm - Sweden
Fooled around with Superior 2 and got this right-hand-soft-grind thing going, and the rest just came by itself. I rolled of the volume knob for the intro bit.

Guitar is my Gibson baritone in Drop A w. stock pickups through the Axe-FX direct. Bass is a Steinberger (yes the ugly square one :D. Sounds really good though.) also through the Axe-FX. On top there's a stock preset with plenty of FX and played with an Ebow.

Let me know what you think, and watch your speakers. ;)
Well I'd like to start with a double 'Wow!' and a 'Holy shit that sounds awesome!'...

That said, does the Superior 2 stuff involve any outboard DSP? How the hell did you program that drum track? I guess I'm not patient enough to do all that grid-view/piano-roll style.

Some mighty impressive Axe FX clips lately. And here I thought they weren't capable of teh brewtalz. I sure live up to my name...
Thanks man!

I mixed Superior2 in the program, had it on a stereo channel and did a pre-fader send to a stereo compressor with everything on max. ;)

I have a Korg Pad control that I "play" the drums with. Makes it really easy.

About the Axe-FX: It handles like a guitar amp. Correction, handles like plenty of guitar amps. It has several high gain amps except Peavey (unfortunately, but I don't really miss one). You can use custom IR's (heard several using Guitarhacks) and it's tweakable up to RevIII standards. This one was a Fractal Audio custom model called "modern" and the other week I sat with a guy tweaking his TS808->5150 when I changed to the AxeFX, and he couldn't feel a difference. Actually, his remarks was "What? It's that thing? What the hell, I didn't even notice when you switched to it."

I'm not doing any commercial here, I'm just very pleased with this thing. That's why i sound like the fanboy of the month. ;)
There's a few threads on about the AxeFX. Mostly "OMG this thing slays!" threads which I'm inclined to believe it does. When I read the Triaxis users group a lot several guys on there were nuts about the AxeFX too the regular and the super one ( forgot the names ). A few people have said that it takes more tweaking to get the best out of it than a good amp would but the consensus seems to be that they only lack a hint of tube character and that can be made up for with a nice tube power amp. Other than that the only gripes I've read about were the lack of a dedicated footswitch from Fractal which seems kind of odd. I've never heard a bad clip of one though.

If you want to share that Superior 2 preset I'll add it to my collection... @
I'm sure the S2 users here would gladly blow... er, uh thank you for it. : )

I just watched this... and wow, that thing rocks too! I was gonna try a ION pad thing with 8 pads that you use drum sticks on.
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Dude... I´ve been "frossat" into the clips you´ve made on the Axe-Fx forum and damn! This unit sounds really good!
I´ve been looking for the best reamping solution without having to mic a cab and this might just be it.... I guess however that the import tax would be pretty hefty...
By the way are there any Krank / Engl models on this thing?
Dude... I´ve been "frossat" into the clips you´ve made on the Axe-Fx forum and damn! This unit sounds really good!
I´ve been looking for the best reamping solution without having to mic a cab and this might just be it.... I guess however that the import tax would be pretty hefty...
By the way are there any Krank / Engl models on this thing?

No KranK but a Powerball. Other amps are Diezel VH4, Rectifier, Mesa MKIV, Soldano 100, FASmodern (the one used on "Meat")...and many more. actually you should come to the studio one day and try it out, and have a coffee. Then you buy it from, from Germany and not the US.

I hope to get a Krank Rev+ and a k-stein+ soon for evaluation. I'll see if I can find something similar in the AFX.
Why buying from that site? The ultra costs 19218.83 sek at, and in the US it costs 15727.13 sek. What are the other costs and possible problems?

Yeah, great clip... Thank you, for giving me serious GAS...
Why buying from that site? The ultra costs 19218.83 sek at, and in the US it costs 15727.13 sek. What are the other costs and possible problems?

Yeah, great clip... Thank you, for giving me serious GAS...

I don't think Fractal Audio ships to EU, and if they'd do that, you would have to pay customs fee (4.5%) + VAT (25%) which adds roughly 30% more to that price. 15727.13 + 30% = 20445,27 which is actually more money.

Oh, I have a Standard btw. Sounds equally good.
He (Cliff Chase who buildt it) tweaked the Hiwatt models, and added an Ampeg SVT in the latest update. He also added ten new cabs, some custom IR's that people on the forum liked. ;)
Wow, that's a very nice sounding guitar sound there Dude! It's extremely crisp sounding and really clear, especially if you consider it being in drop A...nice!