Something silly to do tonight, Tues, July 31st!

Tee hee! This is fun! Here's more fill in's:

Yes, you're correct, Jungle is Welcome to the Jungle - GNR
Down Boys - Warrant
(Wanted) Dead or Alived - Bon Jovi
Sweet Child (O Mine) - more GNR

Next Little Dolls show is in Washington @ the Powerbox festival (hmmm....all female and called power box....okay then!) and then maybe one in Vegas early September. Nothing local as of now. Thank You for asking!!! :blush: :) :rock:

Ahhh, too many abbreviations!! I need to study my Aerosmith more - I mixed up Last Child and Sweet Emotion and ended up with GNR!! :lol: Good call on Wanted - that song is great!! Bon Jovi rule!! :kickass: