Something Wild Tour???


Come on man, it's not 1997, it's time to move on.....
im just saying they should try to incorporate some of the stuff on their old songs (like something wild) onto their new albums.
Bodom After Breakfast said:
im just saying they should try to incorporate some of the stuff on their old songs (like something wild) onto their new albums.
Hey folks got a converted n00b here :wave:
I think you should let the band write however the fuck they want to, and ignore them if they dont suit your tastes.
CliffBurton said:
I think you should let the band write however the fuck they want to, and ignore them if they dont suit your tastes.

I haven't come up with a way to tell you that I'm ignoring you because you don't suit my tastes without contradicting myself. When I will, I'll do it.
hey!, im not telling the band what to do, or what not to do, im just typing what I think will be cool, and see if anybody else shares the same interests!
something wild is the best fucking album. i was very dissapointed not to hear a single song from it on the latest tour.