Sometimes, I really, really HATE the internet...

Ya know, one of the things I always thought was great about the net was the ability one has on here to contact people from all over the world. It's really an awesome means of communicating and transplanting ideas and cultures one to another. But....

It seems to me that there are really very few places left where a person can chat or whatever and not be drowned out by the incessant ramblings of complete jack-offs. Since Sept 11th, I have been hitting the chat rooms and BBs, which for me has always been a kind of outlet. I guess we all feel a little better about things when we can talk about it. It may sound corny, but let's face it, we're all much stronger as a collective and not as individuals. It's reassuring to know that Aussies, and Brits and other Europeans and South Americans and peoples everywhere can pull together on at least a little common ground.

But... anymore there isn't room left on the whole friggin' net for reasonable discussion. I've been disheartened time and again by the insane, moronic, selfish, stupid, etc,etc comments I've seen. Are people really this God damned stupid? Has our collective intelligence really dropped to such mind-boggling lows? I mean.... what the fuck is wrong with everybody? How could so many people miss the point over and over and over and over again and again?

Fuck it. Fuck 'em. It's really hard to care after awhile.

Anyway, thanks so much to you guys here. Really, I find it a great comfort to know that at least a small group of us here actually understand what it is to be human beings. I think if it weren't for guys like yourselves, I'd probably go live in a cave in the woods on a friggin' mountaintop somewhere. :rolleyes:
I know what you mean, it seems that the internet turns people into jerks very often, I guess it`s that you can be
totally anonymous. I realised this a long time ago hanging
on guitar and rock, metal sites. I really got tired of it, everybody at each others throats, calling names.
After much B.S., I've learned there are 2 problems with talking to people on the net.

1. You could be talking to a 12 year old and think your talking to a 25 year old. Makes a HUGE difference...

2. People will act/say things differently under the anonomous guise the internet imposes...
Originally posted by Eddies cellmate
I'd probably go live in a cave in the woods on a friggin' mountaintop somewhere. :rolleyes:

I already live there...Almost! :lol: ;)

But seriously, I know what you mean. I've taken the policy a while ago that I won't express anykind of statements that could piss people off. This way I won't be putting a lid on the only hole that gives me the chance to put my mind on other things.

I mean, I can piss off people better in real life...:loco: :lol:
Hey celly

I can only speak of the only BB i go to , but jim has a beat on it. People who are too afraid to talk in person all of a sudden find an outlet where they can have big balls.

Im the ball choppper offer I think


but then again aren't all women ;);)
Lets face it! Most people in life are jerk off's. I would goto a pub and rarely find a genuine person. The internet is full of the same people. Even people with the same interests can be total prats. Ive seen plenty of Iron Maiden fans that I wouldn't hang out with in a million years.

Then again ive made some excellent friendships off the internet. Some people I have known for years.

Im not much of a people person am I haha :lol:
Big K , honey I hear ya. And let me tell ya int eh bars its triple hard for a girl. You haveta a. determine of the peep is a jerk b. determine he doesn't wanna jump your bones and c. see if you have any thing in common.

Its quite the chore, so I tend not to and just go to VERY LOUD bars where its hard to talk anyway!!!
Oooh, very positive picture ya paint of us guys there, Kels.

Cause...for every rule there's a glorious exception, ya know...

Can't argue with ya, tho.
We've earned the rep, I guess.

About the internet, it's still in virtual anarcy state.
As of now, anyway.

Fewk if I care, I got my silver wings. :goggly:
Hey Kel, glad to see ya' here! :)

When you say "ball chopper offer", do you mean that you leave one alone? We can still function with one you know. (Don't tell my wife) :loco: :err:

Yea, Jim and you have both got it right I think. The internet becomes the place where spineless dickweeds can be and say all of the things that they're too afraid to in real life. They end up being BB junkies because it's the only place where they feel empowered. It's really a kinda sick psychological phenom if you ask me.

I'll turn that discussion over to my good friend and esteemed colleague, Dr. Tormentor.... :cool:
Noooooooooo now my dear Tomented One I dont mean all men. Ive met som damn fine (and I also mean F-I-N-E) men thru this thing. Gals too but ya know I don;t have the eyeballs for them ;)

Anyhoo Im not saying everyone with internet acess. Just those that seem to get off on being mean!