Internet addiction (emo thread alert (not really))

Erik said:
"I really don't like how you're feeding our child with a beer in your hand."

"Here, have a vodka instead".

Wife: Where are you going tonight?
JK: I'm taking Erik out to go sightseeing.

JK & Erik go round the corner to the local pub.
I'm lucky, I realized I was addicted back when i still lived at home and I forced myself to quit, it took a lot of effort on my part and some help from my parents. My solution then was to go outside and go for a walk or a run or even a bike ride. Just get outside.

I use that now with studying, though I still live on the net, mostly cause I have almost almost no friends around here so I communicate with everyone I know over the web.
yeah, you should come to NY ... we would show you around and stuff, and drink, and party and all that.

or we could ALL go to your place in Sweden
ive ended up dropping out of school and i sit on here all day. internet addiction? maybe. lazy as fuck? definitly. i think its a matter of inclination and nothing more. i pity no one who suffers from any form of "addiction" because they got themselves into it, including myself. now, i need a beer and a sandwich, time to get this party started on this beautiful day of... okay so i dont know the day it is.
@Erik: Yeah 14-16 hours/day is addiction. I consider myself a big internet consumer and I usually peak at 5 hours/day, and then only 'cause I'm half unemployed at the moment. Anyway I get uneasy and all headaches when I sit more than two hours at once at the keyboard, so that makes matters easier...

But I can perfectly relate to what you said about being on the way to your exam, then suddenly not feeling like taking it and basically buggering off - and also gathering everything necessary for studying and once you have it leave it in a corner for spiders. It's one manifestation of procrastination, which is not to be mistaken for laziness (even if both make good partners and are difficult to differentiate). It is a kind of pathologic compulsion which can take you to the extremes, sociopathy and the like.

Well I guess we're all there a little already, but I agree with JayKeeley: you should force some outdoors stuff upon yourself. Not necessarily get friends for the sake of it. Most people are vain even if it's seldom their fault. I dunno... I spend hours just walking around with my camera, I practice a few sports... and I can tell you, it's not always like I enjoyed doing this in the beginning, but you get used to the impression of doing something healthy for yourself. The damn "first step" barrier is all it takes.
And hell yeah, do come down to Germany if you have some spare time, we'll break in at Maren's place and sit there doing some knitting by the fire while listening to Pink Floyd's entire discography!
Ellestin said:
And hell yeah, do come down to Germany if you have some spare time, we'll break in at Maren's place and sit there doing some knitting by the fire while listening to Pink Floyd's entire discography!

I laughed so loud when I heard this that the teacher got mad at me. lol
read/heard. same shit. I got 2 hours of sleep, i'll say whate'er i forkin' pweez.

That was excessively gay, but i'm grumpy cause school blows.
Ellestin said:
And hell yeah, do come down to Germany if you have some spare time, we'll break in at Maren's place and sit there doing some knitting by the fire while listening to Pink Floyd's entire discography!

i'm posting at work LOLZ

i spend a lot of time online. i also choke it too much. eh, who cares.

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