sometimes it cracks me up that my friends are approaching 30 and still live at home.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
grown men shouldn't celebrate that "my parents will be out of town this weekend, YES!!!" at 26 years old. yeah sure, bills suck but god damn that's pretty pathetic. do i think that way because i'm an Independent Grown Man, or is it just western society that has taught me that i'm supposed to suffer 40 hours a week just to afford my cable bill?

i know i've made threads like this before, just thinking outloud while waiting for this damn Gojira album to upload. :Spin:
yeah, i was gonna say you make this same thread on a weekly basis. BUT, no, anyone who is over 21 and still lives at home (and doesnt go to college full-time) is a LOSER. its not even funny.
brings up an interesting and related subculture though: the "adult children who accept money and gifts from their well-heeled parents". man, i hate these fuckers. i know so many people who live in $300,000 homes. how you ask? because their rich parents "made their downpayment" or "helped out".
cant fucking stand it. the worst part is there is absolutely no shame.
oh and one giant LOLZ at this one idiot friend of mine, he started dating a girl back in April and she's due in a month so you do the math. she moved in with him awhile ago, to his parent's house, and now his parents are moving to Virginia and they have no place to stay out here because his car payment is well over half his monthly income. he's grown totally uphappy about his "baby's momma" as he like to refer to her, after being completely gay for the first 6 months (gee didn't see that coming). oh and going bald. what a dumbass.
dorian gray said:
end that friendship now. seriously. what an asshole.
dude he's totally gonna come knocking on my door for a place to stay, dragging around his 2 week old by the umbilical cord because they're too stupid to figure that bit out. it's gonna suck* when i pretend i'm not home.

Who really cares? Some people like living at home, some people don't. Just cuz you have to work real hard and pay bills, doesn't mean you should hate somone that lives at homes and has about a millions times more cooler shit then you + is mega happy. That being said im not going to live at home...but really whats the big deal? Everyoen is a loser that is over 21 and lives with there parents? What if they add to the household, etc etc and not just mooch?

I think its a stupid thing to say, even though I don't think people should live with there parents forever, I also don't think your a "loser" if you choose to.

For some people its a perfectly normal thing to do.
i guess you missed the part where i ragged on myself and asked why i think they are losers. :loco:
my sister moved home after college, then moved out, then moved back in for quite a while. but my father asks her to stay because my mom was fighting cancer. loser? pffffttt yeah right
dorian gray said:
BUT, no, anyone who is over 21 and still lives at home (and doesnt go to college full-time) is a LOSER.

hey dorian, you hear that? it's my level of respect for you falling through the floor. seriously, how do people say such stupid shit?
I dont see anything wrong with it, unless you are totally spunging of them at the age of 30 and have no job or something thats different. My oldest sister has been back at home 2 or 3 times. She may be moving back in soon so she and her better half can save up for a deposit for there first house, I dont see a problem.

I never had respect for him anyway :D
I'm 27 and I've left home at the age of 19, but I'm moving back to France in a couple months and I'll possibly stay at my parents for some time until I refund a bit from moving fees and other shit and then finding suitable accomodation elsewhere. I hope it won't last more than a couple months but you never know, and I'm not feeling a "loser" about it because there isn't really an alternative if I don't want to hang out in a shit place or at a friend's (moreover I have none), so I'm glad my parents are cool about that even though I didn't leave home in the utterly best of terms back then.

The only people that should feel bad about staying at their parents' at 20+ are lazy nerdfucks who don't want to get a life, but then the parents are equally to blame.

Didn't we have this thread about 702029 times already?
I couldn't stand living with my parents
but I have freinds who do
purely for financial reasons
its really hard to get a job here that pays enough to buy a house
there are some who are losers of course, plain laziness is the motive
but for others it seems perfectly natural
I think it depends more on your relationship with your parents
different cultures feel different things about this issue.

dorian gray said:
also, LOL @ a car payment > 50% of his income. hahahaha
this is where he's a real loser. that's just stupid.
and any one of you who think's Dorian's the loser...fuck that. his wife looks like the VISA snowboarding girl!

J. said:
i lived at home for 8 months after college. i was 22. blow me.
after I got out of college and did the Kerouac thing across the country I was unemployed in Dad said, come on home, so I did...lived on the shore of lake michigan in a 10 million dollar house for four months til I got on my feet economically. *shrug*

but that's completely different than Nad's friend. hey Nad, offer to let them bunk with you.