sometimes it cracks me up that my friends are approaching 30 and still live at home.

It doesn't matter if you're not a mooch; if you're approaching thirty and live at home, you're a loser.

It really isn't that hard to get a job and rent some appartment somewhere. And it has to do with breaking free, you know... You can NEVER claim that you're grown up, if you live at home. And someone who's approaching thirty and still hasn't grown up is a loser.
Like ANYTHING, it all depends on the situation. You can't blanket anything really. But NAD's case is definitely in line with the LOSER label. Living with your folks, got an overextended car-payment, preggo bitch...jesus. Who the fuck does that when they aren't even independent?
MadeInNewJersey said:
Sometimes it's not a matter of "want."

Exactly. I've had my own house for going on 3 years, but circumstances warrant that I have to sell the place. Right now, the only way I can obtain a good job without going back into the insurance industry (which I hate) is to go back to school. I'd like to go back to school full time to get it done as soon as possible - my parents have offered me their place to stay until I get the schooling under my belt and I get back on my feet.

I'm not happy about having to do it, but it's an infinitely better solution than getting an apartment, getting a full time crap job and going to school part time for 6 years or so until I get a degree. Now, if my parents didn't offer me that solution, I simply would've done what I wrote in this paragraph so I wouldn't burden them. But they agree that it's the best way to get where I want to go the fastest and I'll also be helping them out financially in any way that I can while I'm there.

Now, if I'm sitting around playing video games, surfing the web all day, only working part time and lack the ambition to do anything else and mooching off my parents in the process, then that would absolutely be the definition of LOSER.
Crimson Velvet said:
It doesn't matter if you're not a mooch; if you're approaching thirty and live at home, you're a loser.

It really isn't that hard to get a job and rent some appartment somewhere. And it has to do with breaking free, you know... You can NEVER claim that you're grown up, if you live at home. And someone who's approaching thirty and still hasn't grown up is a loser.

Again though, a lot more goes into it than just your age and whether or not you're grown up.

I know plenty of people who are older and don't have their shit together in life, and then I know plenty of much younger people who do. One is entirely not related to the other.
Well, by the time you're closing in on thirty, you'd better have gotten your shit together.

@Dark One: That's just set back. You'll get back on your feet soon enough, since you've already proven that you can be on your own.
Crimson Velvet said:
Well, by the time you're closing in on thirty, you'd better have gotten your shit together.

@Dark One: That's just set back. You'll get back on your feet soon enough, since you've already proven that you can be on your own.

You get a pardon, because you obviously don't know how expensive it is to live around New York City. :Spin:

@Doomcifer: ha ha ha, eat it
Also, there are a whole fucking pile of people out there with their own homes who COMPLETELY don't have their shit together. Not to mention a good number of people living with their parents who could be perfectly capable of running their own lives.
MadeInNewJersey said:
You get a pardon, because you obviously don't know how expensive it is to live around New York City. :Spin:

@Doomcifer: ha ha ha, eat it

Educate me then. How much does it cost to rent a two bedroom appartment. Let's say a 150 square feet.
there are reasons why its ok to live at your parents, schooling, moving into the same city (for a short period while you find a place, etc) or if you just finished school, got a job in the same town but you're like me and own NOTHING and want to save up a bit so you don't have to live in an empty cube and sit on the floor with nothing to do.

In my case, when I finish school, i'll live with my parents till I find a job, then i'll be living with my aunt (she lives in vancouver, my parents don't) till I get a few paychecks.
Crimson Velvet said:
Educate me then. How much does it cost to rent a two bedroom appartment. Let's say a 150 square feet.

150 square feet? They don't exist.

Maybe 800 square feet...ballpark $1000US/month, but that'd be really cheap and not in a great town/city.

2-bedrooms where I live run $1300-$2000/month.