sometimes you just need visuals ...

lurch70 said:
Lamb of God ... these fuckers are thrash
Well duh. Who the fuck says they aren't? Just plain stupid to deny this. Yes I know people say they aren't and it's only because of the singer's haircut or some other completely unrelated to music reason.

But I disagree with your main statement. Most videos blow chunks, even if stuff like New Millenium Cyanide Christ are pretty cool, it's not something that adds or detracts from the music for me.
Okay I just remembered one: Pearl Jam - Jeremy

I already had the album for awhile, but didn't really love that song until after I saw the video. This is what is known as the exception to the rule. :loco:
One Inch Man said:
Okay I just remembered one: Pearl Jam - Jeremy

I already had the album for awhile, but didn't really love that song until after I saw the video. This is what is known as the exception to the rule. :loco:

:tickled: I love that video. It was such the prelude to Columbine.
General Zod said:
LoG rule.


General Zod said:
LoG not new Metal.

Another "grey" area, let's categorize the band as "this" sub-genre or "that" sub-genre, which can get really annoying. To me, they're a crossover modern heavy metal band with just enough hardcore tendencies to appeal to the "martial arts moshing" MTV metal audience.

At live shows, this factor does indeed hinder my enjoyment of their performances. I find myself focusing on the....... uh..... "pit" (if you can call it that), and wanting to destroy everyone in it rather than focusing on the show.

General Zod said:
Videos do occasionally change my perspective on a song.

Hmmm... I've never really come across an instance for myself where a video has changed my perspective on a song in a good way, though I'm sure it's possible.
J. said:
who cares. they still suck

For once we agree, sir.

Aside from LoG, I don't necessarily believe that video can shape my view of a song in a positive or negative way, but I doooo enjoy a good video.

Prime example: ANY VIDEO TOOL EVER MADE BECAUSE TOOL RULES AND DEAL WITH IT (especially the Sober video).
the video for hate eternal's "powers that be" made me laugh hysterically

edit: and let us never forget