
Mar 29, 2006
Warrensburg, MO
I've been using Sonar on pc for 5 or 6 years now. I'm set to work on PT8 now. Any Sonar users who also use pt? Can you give me a heads up on what to expect? Do I have to buy an mbox for pt to work? I have a firebox now. Will my Waves bundle work with PT? It's time for me to finally use PT, since I am now a Music Tech student, and my school uses an HD system. Also, if I buy an earlier version of PT, can I upgrade to 8, and what does it cost? Thanks
Euch, gotta be honest man there's not much here that won't come up in a google search...

Yes you need Digidesign hardware for Pro Tools LE to work, or if you run M Powered then you need M-Audio hardware, or one of the new Mackie mixers that are coming out that are Pro Tools compatible.

I don't know if your hacked Waves bundle will work with PT, if you buy a legal copy then I'm sure it will.

Yes if you buy an older copy of PT you can upgrade to PT8, I don't know how much it cost's so you'll have to go find that out for yourself.
Stick with Sonar, your better off. Just my opinion. But I think Sonar "sounds" better, has a much more robust work flow, meaning you can customize the crap out of everything. You don't need proprietary hardware, meaning your not stuck with only 2 or 3 brands of hardware to choose from (I think the Firebox will probably sound better than any MBox, and probably rival sound of just about any Digidesign Hardware out there). Plus Plugin's are cheaper with VST because you get stuck paying more for ProTools plugins. Just look at any website that sells plugins. TDM for ProTools, VST for everything else!
But I think Sonar "sounds" better,
Bullshit, all DAW's sound the same. The plugins are different obviously but as far as adding all the one's and zero's up every DAW will come out with the same result. This has been proved on several occasions using null tests.

TDM for ProTools, VST for everything else!
Um, only Pro Tools HD uses TDM plugins, Pro Tools LE/MP use RTAS.

As far as the workflow goes, I've not used Sonar but I find PT's workflow very good, I came from using Cubase at college and although the MIDI workflow in Cubase was much better I found Pro Tools much easier and more intuitive to use overall. All a matter of opinion though and depends on what you're used to.
Thanks. I am going to buy this

I am still going to use Sonar, but I have to get familiar with PT. I could always use this MBOX with field production for video as well. With Sonar, I am use to using 2 video monitors: one for the track view, and one for console view and plug views. Is this available with PTLE? I am also used to using the "snap to grid" funtion with drum loops. Is this on PTLE too? Thanks
Yes PTLE can do that easily, and many folks like working that way. Grid snapping is also available.

These are all basic features available in any DAW, so you'll be fine. Imagine anything Sonar can do, multiply it by 10, ease the workflow by a bazillion and you'll have ProTools. Don't worry one bit, you're buying the best DAW on the market ;)
Bullshit, all DAW's sound the same. The plugins are different obviously but as far as adding all the one's and zero's up every DAW will come out with the same result. This has been proved on several occasions using null tests.

Think what you want but I have used Sonar, PT LE, and Cubase and to me they all sound different, especially when mixing down. I've also sat in a studio when someone recorded an acoustic guitar in PT and in Nuendo, and PT sounded dead flat compared. I have also seen 3-d graphical charts of what different DAW's look like recording pink noise and PT was VERY peaky on those graphs!

But in your defense many great and popular albums have been recorded and mixed on PT, so in the end, it's really how the engineer uses it. But on the other hand, 1's and 0's maybe one thing, but the programming architect is COMPLETELY different and how the program is witten determines how the 1's and 0's get manipulated, which CAN affect the sound. Just look at all the different software EQ's out there, technically they are all doing the same thing, which is changing frequencies using 1's and 0's, but yet have you ever sat down and listened to different EQ's using the same exact settings? To my ears they sound different, but to each his own...

Um, only Pro Tools HD uses TDM plugins, Pro Tools LE/MP use RTAS.

Yeah your right, I get my acronyms mixed up sometimes

Trevoire5 said:
As far as the workflow goes, I've not used Sonar but I find PT's workflow very good, I came from using Cubase at college and although the MIDI workflow in Cubase was much better I found Pro Tools much easier and more intuitive to use overall. All a matter of opinion though and depends on what you're used to.

I can agree that everyone prefers their different work flow. Protools does have a nice editing work flow, but what's up with the limitation on the plugins per track, or them dictating how many tracks your allowed to have? Sorry for all the PT hatred, but I just don't understand the logic in being so restricted by a company using such proprietary measures for their end users. I started out with PT and an MBox, then someone convinced me to try Sonar, at first I wasn't used to it, because of the different work flow, but after I learned it better, I realized the options were nearly limitless on Sonar compared to PT. I for one enjoy having as many options out there as possible. However one thing I do miss using is the Smack! Le plugin, that compressor is amazing for adding some distortion to metal vocals. Anyway, whatever floats your boat...