Sonar users please help!!


May 26, 2010
Dayton, Ohio
I have Sonar 8 Producer Edition and yes I did look/ask in their forums asking for the same help, No dice. There is a function in it called apply audio effects that I am unable to use anymore. It is grayed out in the drop-down. I have never had this problem before and have not done anything out of the ordinary that I can think of. Anybody have any ideas as to what the problem could be or be able to help me? Short of re-installing it that is. Will do so if I have to but would rather not. Thanks as always in advance for any help/replies.
I've never used that option but in Sonar mine is grayed out too. What are you using this for exactly?
Just to use VST effects. I've done it a hundred times but never had this problem. My comp is not the most powerful. As a result I have to apply the effect to the track permanently in order to improve CPU performance. Drop out city if I have too may instances going at once. Restarted Sonar. Restarted the Comp. Used all types of VST's that I know have worked in the past and nothing.
Figured it out. I knew it would be something really obvious and stupid. If you have audio snap enabled it takes away any audio processing functions. Thanks for your reply and time. Hope this helps someone else too. :lol:
I run all of my VSTs in real-time so I haven't ever had to use that option. Glad you got it figured out man.