Label: http://www.nuclearblast.com/
Release Date: February 22, 2004
Home Page: http://www.sonataarctica.info
When youre a fan of a particular genre, or sub-genre as the case may be, there are certain artists that youre expected to be a fan of. If youre a fan of modern day Power Metal, its just assumed that you genuflect at the mere mention of BLIND GUARDIAN, STRATOVARIUS or ICED EARTH. It seems to have been ordained, since shortly after the release of the bands debut CD Ecliptica, that SONATA ARCTICA would join this unholy triumvirate, and take their rightful place in Power Metals hierarchy. So, like the good fan of Power Metal that I am, Ive revisited SONATA ARCTICA with each subsequent release, waiting to hear what it is that so many of their loyal fans hear. Unfortunately, these efforts have always been fruitless, and occasionally, destructive.
The last time a SONATA ARCTICA CD found its way into my player, I was listening to their second full length release, Silence, when the heartfelt ballad Last Drop Falls began playing through my headphones at work. All was well until vocalist Tony Kakko sang the phrase:
The moment I will step aside, you're ready for another ride,
Walking in the cool night air without underwear
I was in the unfortunate position of having a mouth full of coffee when this lyric was offered to the Gods of Irony. Needless to say, coffee ended up all over my PC, and enough seeped into my keyboard to require that it be replaced. I considered taking SONATA ARCTICA to international small claims court, but decided against it.
So here we are, a few years later, and SONATA ARCTICA has a another studio release and a live CD under their belts. And once again, Im curious to hear what theyre up to. Maybe Reckoning Night, the bands fourth full length studio release, and their first for Nuclear Blast, will change my opinion of them. With all liquids safely out of reach, I proceed with caution.
Reckoning Night begins in fine fashion with Misplaced. Songs like Misplaced are SONATA ARCTICAs calling card; Power Metal, bordering on Speed metal, with symphonic touches. This track works. Pounding drums full speed ahead, solid riffs, keyboards doing their thing in the background, occasionally working their way to the foreground, and soaring lead and backing vocals. To my ear, this is the best track on the disc.
As Blinded No More begins, it sounds like a song written with the specific purpose of garnering radio play. Its a mid-paced track, thats just dripping with melody. After hearing it a dozen times, Im still not sure if I like it or hate it.
Aint Your Fairytale is a return to the style of the opening track, and is a real strong song. Unfortunately, Reckoning Day, Reckoning Night is nothing more than three minutes and twenty-one seconds of keyboard masturbation. I could at least understand/forgive its presence, if it at the very least showcased Henrik Klingenbergs keyboard talents but it doesnt. Reckoning Night continues with Dont Say a Word. Once again, were back to the Power/Speed/Symphonic style, and once again, we have a killer track. Why bands choose to stray from their strengths is beyond me.
For those of us who wish to defend our beloved Power Metal genre from detractors who would besmirch it with claims that its cheesy, comes the indefensible The Boy who Wanted to be a Puppet. Yep. Thats right you guessed it, a song about Pinocchio!?! Sadly, as high as the Velveeta Factor may be, I still find this track enjoyable. Help me somebody please!
The CD moves on with the solid My Selene and Wildfire. Both are bread and butter type tracks for SONATA ARCTICA. Unfortunately, this CD wraps up with the hideous Power ballad Shamandalie and Wrecking the Sphere. Wrecking the Sphere is nothing but SONATA ARCTICA goofing around in the studio. Im sure the guys in the band think its a real hoot, but Id like that two minutes and fifty seconds of my life back.
All in all, Reckoning Night is a solid CD. It doesnt break any new ground, but then again, I dont believe it was intended to. While the musical performances are strong, none of the band members really stand out. And for all the shots Ive taken at SONATA ARCTICA, theyve written a fairly enjoyable disc thats certainly worth checking out if youre a fan of Power Metal.
Rating: 6/10
Reviewer: General Zod