Sonata Arctica Vs Arch Enemy


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
Which should I see twice this Fall?

I want to see both bands twice but it will be impossible because I would be going back and forth from city to city, which are 600KM apart and it would just suck and ruin the fun cuz they are back to back dates except for the first show. WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN!

Red is in Montreal said:
Sonata Arctica
The Agonist
Sept. 24
Opera House
All Ages - 7:30

Sonata Arctica
+ Firewind + The Agonist
Thursday September 27 2007 @ 8pm
$30.28/$35.32 + taxes
All Ages!

Machine Head
Arch Enemy
Sept. 28
Opera House
All Ages - 7:00

+ Throwdown + Sanctity
Saturday September 29 2007 @ 7pm
$25.01/$30.28 + taxes - All Ages!

I'm gonna see each band once, but I'm so torn between which to see twice, I love both so much. On the one hand I can go see two Arch Enemy shows for free, get passes, etc or I can go see Sonata Arctica twice. I've thought it over a lot... there are many factors. Such as the opening bands... for both shows they range from good-to-decent, I score the 'better' classification to the Arch Enemy shows though. The venues both kick ass so it doesn't matter really. I don't know it's late andI can't think right now.

All I know is I need your help guys, help me choose! :)
Hard decision.. I've seen Sonata Arctica and even tho it's gay I loved the guitar-keyboard duels.. But I would go for Arch Enemy
I would go for Arch Enemy but only because I have change to Sonata Arctica more often.

Does it matter to you that SA has temporary guitarist? I have hear that some fans don't go to see them because Jani is not touring with SA. Personally I do like Elias Viljanen, I didn't mind see him on the stage instead of Jani.
Arch fucking Enemy for fucking sure. Chris Amott is fucking back for fucks sake, goddamn easiest decision ever, new album coming, amott brothers reunited. That + Arch Enemy >>>² Sonata Arctica
Hard decision.. I've seen Sonata Arctica and even tho it's gay I loved the guitar-keyboard duels.. But I would go for Arch Enemy

Yeh, that's the thing. They're so fucking gay, cheesy lyrics, but those keys are amazing!! I love Sonata Arctica! I am gonna wait for the setlists too cuz the dates I'll be seeing are late... that might make my choice easier, god I hope so.

Arch fucking Enemy for fucking sure. Chris Amott is fucking back for fucks sake, goddamn easiest decision ever, new album coming, amott brothers reunited. That + Arch Enemy >>>² Sonata Arctica

I know man, the metalhead inside me says to see AE but there's a part of me that is gonna be crushed if I dont see Sonata as much as I can :lol:
I know man, the metalhead inside me says to see AE but there's a part of me that is gonna be crushed if I dont see Sonata as much as I can :lol:


Little Joe wants you to see Sonata Arctica, your conflicting feelings are making little Joe sad. You don't want to make little Joe sad do you?
Arch Enemy don't really interest me, but I'm not crazy about Elias the stand-in guitar player for Sonata either. I'd go for Sonata because I love their latest album. It's a shame that alot of the "metal heads" are too closeminded to appreciate it.
Arch Enemy don't really interest me, but I'm not crazy about Elias the stand-in guitar player for Sonata either. I'd go for Sonata because I love their latest album. It's a shame that alot of the "metal heads" are too closeminded to appreciate it.

I love Unia for the most part, I think it's good listening when you're in a nice/slow mood. But you fail hard for saying Arch Enemy doesn't interest you.
Arch Enemy don't really interest me, but I'm not crazy about Elias the stand-in guitar player for Sonata either. I'd go for Sonata because I love their latest album. It's a shame that alot of the "metal heads" are too closeminded to appreciate it.

Aren't you that AlexiLimamitneintne guy?
Arch Enemy has some good songs.. most on the album Doomsday Machine.. and I love the intro of Enemy Within.. it's nearly as good as Living Dead Beat or a song called Oh My Goth! by Razed in Black.. they're all pretty similar..