song 11 also corrupt !!!

I wouldn't be surprised if this was the result of yet another lame copyprotection sceme from Crap Media, the little fuckers are pissing me off with that shit enough as it is.
This sounds bad. Can any of the people with corrupted CD's tell me when exactly the "corruption" happens, and what it sounds like? I want to listen to DD in the shop when I find it, and find out if the copy is corrupted.
Originally posted by phyre
Do CM use copy protection? On what records?

At least Rotting Christ - Khronos has 2 protections, one is an .mpg file at the end of the CD and the others name I can remember, but it's the same one that Osmose uses.
Peaceville is another bunch of asshole that uses the same method in ATG-Suicidal Final Act.

I wanna spread these CD's with the protection like wildfire, so the assholes using them would notice that they don't help, they only annoy people like me, who only have a computer to play music with. But of course I am against spreading MP3's :cry:
@ormir: ending of track 1 and ending of white noise / black silence (possibly track eleven?) are rather abrupt: i.e., as soon as the voice ends growling the last word, the track is over. although this does not exactly cut some music off, it is rather annoying because it removes some fade and a half second of silence.

Originally posted by rahvin

but that's hardly a reason for complaining, is it? :p

it actually happens often that "digipak only" bonus tracks are later found on the jewelcase too... i guess this time they just added it in from the start.


I don't complain, I just think it's strange. There are 12 songs on the back of the case too, so it's not just a mixup in packaging...
I´m angry, too!! Gt the same problem.
And I bought the new Sentenced Digipack a few motnhs ago and they forgot to burn the extras (some pictures) on the CD! Man, CM is really stupid!
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Originally posted by Ormir
This sounds bad. Can any of the people with corrupted CD's tell me when exactly the "corruption" happens, and what it sounds like? I want to listen to DD in the shop when I find it, and find out if the copy is corrupted.

but, o dark bubu, this will just incite you to buy it and more of the same: we know that in your book corruption is... well, corruption :lol:

Originally posted by Onde Erik
Oh well...
I'll just go on pretending it was meant to be this way. ;)
It's not as if it's affecting the experience as a whole, at least not for me.

The same here. Actually, I think the abrupt ending fits at least Final Resistance very well.

Btw, Onde Erik, was it you who was gonna check if there were any Japanese Havens around somewhere? If yes, how did it go? You know, I'm still willing to pay a lot for it #hint# ;).

Originally posted by Onde Erik
Villain: My paycheck arrives later this week. I'll be roaming the streets looking for ways to spend it and that'll include CD's.
I'm keeping my eyes open... :yow:

Good boy! :grin:

I've not got the album yet, but by the sounds of it I'm gonna wait a month I think!

I've checked the MP3 copy I have from a month ago which I used to review, and there is no corruption.

Track one, Final Resistance, ends properly, going straight into an effect which fades into track two...a seamless join.

White Noise/Black Silence also ends correctly, although for me it's track 11, not can it be track 12? That should be the last track, Ex Nihilo...that's also what it says on the dt site.
@hellion: apparently, there have been some changes/mistakes in the tracklist too... the order has been subverted, with i, deception ending up at nr. ten and white noise / black silence at nr. 12... or so i've heard.

No, Ex Hihilo is the last track (#12) and White Noise / Black Silence is number 11. It also reads that way on the back of the digipak. It's only in the booklet, where their places are reversed.

The booklet seems to be done in a rush - there are also differences in the font-sizes of the "music: ***" -lines, there are strange marks instead of the apostrophes (') and, as mentioned before, Cathode Ray Sunshine credits are given to Brändström, Jivarp, Henri! Reminds me a lot of the old The Gallery booklet...
