Song by Klaha (Andrew Quinn)


Andrew Quinn - Pringles

Why bother yourself...
It only hurts, to face,
The reality.
The confusion.

Escape to my dreams...
My inner sanctum,
Amidst the cruelty,
Of time.

BURN your treasures
BURN your dreams
BURN your cherished memories...

KILL the weak
KILL the strong
KILL them all, you'll do no wrong...

I wish the heavens...
To destroy this filth,
To erase the past,
To do anything.

(This song will be appearing on the upcoming Hammering Moss Album: Underwater Adventure)
My debut solo song.

Really I just did it to test out Cool Edit Pro, so I played around a bit, and it's what I ended up with.

I'm not that happy with the lyrics or the vocals (thats why they're kinda quiet), but I was pretty happy with how the guitars came out.

Anyway, any comments/suggestions/criticism?
Originally posted by Bumblefoot
Pringles tingles. Sounds much like a spinning dildo, BUT one from a very attractive young lady who wants a little bit of your lovin and extra juice from a pineapple you once had.

Anyway, any comments/suggestions/criticism?

@Klaha: Don't for get to add the word 'Constructive' near the start of your last sentence.... Otherwise you get responses like the above... :D

I should have the bandwidth to d-load it tomorrow, so I'll let you know what I think soon....