song by song review of new Maiden


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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The translation from French is a bit poor but does the job.

IRON MAIDEN - France's Rock Hard Magazine Issues Track-By-Track Review Of Forthcoming Album Posted on Saturday, July 15, 2006 at 05:56:30

According to, France's Rock Hard Magazine has issued a track by track review of the band's forthcoming album, A Matter Of Life And Death, including lyrical excerpts. It appears below in its entirety:

'Different Worlds':
"The shortest song of the album is a catchy tune, it should make a single, but that's still to be confirmed"

'These Colours Don't Run':
"Epic title, with percussive/thundering drum parts. This song will surely go down great live apart from a little feeling of 'already heard this.' A big break towards the end till when the song finishes in a calm way. This last part of soldiers: 'For the passion / For the glory / For the memories / For the money / You're a soldier / For your country/ What the difference / All the same'."

'Brighter Than A Thousand Suns':
"Dickinson starts with a soft voice and hot screaming or in high tone and this is a common thing for the album. A huge and crunchy rhtyhm almost in Metallica style, not common for Maiden sound. Galloping rhtyhm, Bruce sings with rage and power, then a little calm part and then again the song explodes again with a huge refrain, awesome on the final. Then solo on a galloping rhythm part just before a second solo on a more calm rhythm section. A complex song structure. A song that talks about nuclear explosion. 'Iron fingers stab the desert sky / How we made God with our hands'."

'The Pilgrim':
"Celtic intro on an almost thrash rhythm section. Rage riff of the guitars. A more direct song than the previous two, but without an immediate and easy listening chorus. It's not really one of those song with a direct chorus that people will sing at the gigs. Celtic final part."

'The Longest Day':
"Probably inspired by the film The Longest Day, this song taks about the Normandy in the second world war. The song begins with a huge bass intro building up always more powerfully. Gloomy and sad song. Nicko Mcbrain plays his drums like they are cannons while bruce things tells his horror tale: 'From paper soldiers / To bodies on the beach' or also 'The water is red / With the blood of the dead'. Then drum breaks à la 'Charlotte The Harlot'. This is a song that will be fantastic live and probably maiden will try a scenography on this similar to 'Paschendale' or in that style. Fanstastic songs, really stands out on the album."

'Out Of The Shadows':
"Heavy tempo at the beginning in a power heavy ballad stlye. One of the most likely song to be chosen as a single. *difficulties on translating this song following part* . Double guitar breaks (probably acoustic). Surprising song, very interesting."

'The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg':
"Dickinson talks about this as the first single. This song start with a long intro, narrative intro sang by Bruce: 'Let me tell you about my life/ Let me tell you about my dreams'. Really heavy and huge rhythm, quite unusual for Iron Maiden. This songs talks about the reincarnation and mediums. 'I'm able to see things / Things I don't want to see.'"

'For the Greater Good Of God':
"Typical epic songs made by Steve Harris, we find this kind of composition almost on every Iron Maiden album. A feeling of already known sound, represent classic 'Arry composition. Celtic chorus, long instrumental parts. This songs talks about religions' abuses and bad things: 'Religion has a lot to answer for' or also 'He gave his life for us/ He fell upon the cross (...) / Tell me why.'"

'Lord Of Light':
"Another calm beginning before the song really kicks in. Once again Bruce is more soft with his voice rather than in a high register in the first part of the song. The result of this song is outstanding, superb and the construction of the chorus can bring back that of 'Where Eagles Dare'."

'The Legacy':
"Long acoustic intro, calm voice by Bruce.When the rhythm kicks in it develops a Black Sabbath wall of sound, Dio era. Multiple vocal parts,another great songs that encourages to mutual respect, and opening spirits: 'Why can't we treat our fellow man / With more respect'."

General Conclusions:
"This is an album that is far superior to Dance Of Death and symbolize a great union in the band. This is composed of very long and epic songs, probably inspired by 'Paschendale''s success. The main themes are war, denounced on songs like 'These Colours Don't Run', 'The Longest Day' and 'The Legacy': 'Sent off to war / To play little games (...) / Some strange yellow gas / Has played with their minds / Has redemmed their eyes.' People who love long songs will be very satisfied, probably less those who like shorter songs. There are no immediate songs like 'Killers', 'Be Quick Or Be Dead', 'Run To The Hill's. With this Maiden shows great courage and prove once again that Iron Maiden do just what they want. The sequence of songs is well thought and the album is the right mix of tradition and modern sound. (special highlights are rhythm and riffs heavier than in the past and a less conventional and standard voice of a superlative Bruce Dickinson who experiments a lot - awesome).

This album will require more than one listen to be fully understood."

As previously reported, Iron Maiden plan to release A Matter Of Life And Death on August 26th 2006 in Australia and August 28th in Europe.
As previously reported, Iron Maiden plan to release A Matter Of Life And Death on August 26th 2006 in Australia and August 28th in Europe.

And the USA?