New Maiden song available

Yep, Brighter Than A Thousand Suns is definetly the best song out of the three. Different Worlds is good, but it's the same old intro/verse/chorus/verse/chorus/solo/chorus structure just like The Wicker Man and that gets boring.
Yeeha. I'm liking the new Maiden album so far.....Can't wait for release. I like all three. Yeah, the one is a bit Wicker Man, but not obvious, I think. In that it's catchy without losing it's dark quality etc. I reeeeeeeeally have a good feeling about this record. Maiden!
Holy mother of Eddie! This is a KILLER TRACK! :notworthy

Wyv... I read your reply about Maiden being your introduction to metal and the fallout you had with them after SSOASS, I can sort of understand... even though I am a fan of DOD I know some people just did not dig it. But come on... complaining about the keyboards? I think you are being too harsh... sit back and relax and enjoy this awesome tune :) :rock:
Pabla said:
Wyv... I read your reply about Maiden being your introduction to metal and the fallout you had with them after SSOASS, I can sort of understand... even though I am a fan of DOD I know some people just did not dig it. But come on... complaining about the keyboards? I think you are being too harsh... sit back and relax and enjoy this awesome tune :) :rock:

Sorry dear but when heroes fall they fall big time. Same happened with Black Sabbath "Forbidden", Judas Priest "Demolition" (and something tells me the new one also going to be an error), Anthrax "Attack of the Killer B's" (and subsequent albums), Metallica after AJFA, Lacuna Coil new album, etc.

I do expect and demand consistency in the bands I listen to, I can assure you the same happened to people who worship Kreator regarding "Endorama" (which I adore) or Amorphis "Far From The Sun" (another fave of mine) as well as post "Amok" sentence.

NP: Lana Lane - 'The Dream That Never Ends'
I love Dance of Death, its my second fav. Maiden album after Powerslave (despite what most people are saying here) and the Different World song was so boring i couldnt even listen to the whole thing. This one though, Brighter than a Thousand Suns is cool.
tsorl said:
It's called Different World and it's the opener of the new album, and possibly the second single cut as well. Listen here.

I like it. Great chorus and prechorus, and the song doesn't sound as forced as some of the stuff on DOD. It has a kind of a "laid back" feel, in a good way. :cool:
Oh, and Bruce sounds great!
Agreed, the vocal lines seem inspired and that's what I expect from Maiden.

Now I have to take a listen to the third song...
Wyvern said:
Sorry dear but when heroes fall they fall big time. Same happened with Black Sabbath "Forbidden", Judas Priest "Demolition" (and something tells me the new one also going to be an error), Anthrax "Attack of the Killer B's" (and subsequent albums), Metallica after AJFA, Lacuna Coil new album, etc.

I do expect and demand consistency in the bands I listen to, I can assure you the same happened to people who worship Kreator regarding "Endorama" (which I adore) or Amorphis "Far From The Sun" (another fave of mine) as well as post "Amok" sentence.

NP: Lana Lane - 'The Dream That Never Ends'

Well, I see your point... but there isn't a band on the face of the earth that has ONLY made masterpiece albums their whole career... we gotta take the good with the bad ;)

I think you will like this album... once you hear it as a whole... that is my prediction :rock:
Fangface said:
Agreed, the vocal lines seem inspired and that's what I expect from Maiden.

Now I have to take a listen to the third song...

OMG the last tune slayed me!
Pabla said:
Well, I see your point... but there isn't a band on the face of the earth that has ONLY made masterpiece albums their whole career... we gotta take the good with the bad ;)

Motörhead (well almost all albums are masterpieces, but not a single stinker :Saint: )

I think you will like this album... once you hear it as a whole... that is my prediction :rock:

I hope you're right...otherwise I will cry a lot on your shoulder on PPVII :lol: