One more Maiden thread


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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.....I'm telling ya, this albums is something. The Legacy is one of the great Maiden album closers for sure. I'm sure the crowd who find the album boring are wondering at that comment. But I'm telling ya. Spooky riff, cool acoustics, and then it wanders, all proggy, about it's way.

If you haven't heard it, are in for fun. If you don't like it...and have heard it, you might give it another spin or three. See what happens.

It gets better and better.

My song by song take on it:

Different World - By the numbers? Maybe, for the reunion period in any case. Open with the punchy, pumping, single. But it does match Wicker Man. It's great.

These Colors Don't Run - Very Brave New Worldy. Could have been on that record. That's a good thing though. Not a B-Side from Brave New World. More like something they should have put on but didn't.

Brighter Than A Thousand Suns - Crushing. A new Maiden classic for my money. Absolutely frantic and fantastic. The bridge "Out of the universe...!!!" reminds me of something from Accident of Birth. They sound like they mean it, and Bruce is top notch and emotional on this.

The Pilgrim - Vaguely Seventh Son-ish in places, with a bridge to the tune/speed of Thin Line Between Love and Hate....but then a big switch of gears to the chorus, which is classic Maiden. And then a cool eastern thing....bitchin'.

The Longest Day - The track that Paschendale wanted to be, though different from that for sure. The description of D-day (?). Anyway, it gets more and more tense until....bang, "ENTER HELL'S GATE!!!!" and off we go. Arm-hair raising as it builds. Killer metal-riff breakdown in the middle.

Out of the Shadows - The closest to a power ballad Maiden may come, ever, and it's good. Better than Journeyman. Could have been on Chemical Wedding easily, or perhaps Accident of Birth. The middle section is VERY much like Opeth, strangely. You fans will no what I mean when you hear it. It's very much like the Drapery Falls.

Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg - You've heard it, most likely. I love it. Interesting note here...isn't the last riff, well, the last heavy riff before it ends...isn't that just like A Dangerous Meeting by Mercyful Fate? Somebody back me up on this. This would be right after, directly after, the last lyric....I mean, I know what I think.

For the Greater Good of God - Another Thin Line Between...beat, but the similarity ends there. Very tense again. Very weird and creative solos in this one. And then, a crunchy section that reminds me VERY much of a section of Satan's Fall by Mercyful Fate.

Lord of Light - Weird and ethereal at first, then Bruce gets his legs underneath this one, and hits the limit. Changes speed and rhythm a lot. More interesting/weird solos, and a wandering, epicy, proggy construction.

The Legacy - Weird and twisted at the beginning. Maybe Maiden's spookiest riff ever, definately their spookiest acoustic riff. Starts like a scary lullaby that you shouldn't sing to anyone. The implication of the lyrics is that it's about mustard gas, but I think it's about either George Bush or Tony Blair in the larger sense. There's a very cool little development where Bruce sings over some keys with drums and bass...and then build up to the chorus, though really it's a thesis statement only sung once without repitition...."You had us all strung out with promises of peace....etc.....Take the world to a better place.....Just think what a Legacy you now will leeeeeeeave!" Then silence...and that killer crunch chord again....then a "Black Sabbath," (the song) riff to send it all in a different direction.

This record is killer.....
Ha. Too true. Still, I'm thinking people will discover this record as time goes on.....I don't remember people raving about Seventh Son when it came out, but lot's of people call it a favorite now. To be fair, it's not like the album hasn't gotten some good reviews! It's just sooooo good is all.....objectively speaking.
Maiden is popular today.
It´s same with DoD other like it and other don´t like it at all.
I say there is no bad songs but they need lot of listening.
Not best Maiden but they still can make something new and good metal.
Well, I'll give you that much. And really, I understand if people don't totally dig the new one. Mostly because I didn't much care for DOD. It was okay, but not stellar. But others thought it fantastic. This new one though, really has my number.
I haven't looked so forward to hearing any Maiden album this much since "Somewhere In Time"!!! the three tracks I've heard have been stellar!!

I'm glad you're hearing Opeth and MFate in there.....that can only be a GOOD SIGN!!!

Cant wait till Tuesday!!!
You know I am with you on the praising of this album... to be honest I must have heard it about 50 times in a week... since I have it on constant loop at the office, car... everywhere... even in the shower :lol: (I am not joking)

To me this is their best effort since SSOASS, it takes elements from their 80's sound, 2000 sound and Bruce's solo to combine all to a masterpiece which still retains a fresh sound without loosing their "ever present Maiden sound".

I'll be damned... when a band changes their sound people complain that it sounds nothing like their old formula, then when a band uses the same formula there are complaints too! Well this album has the best of all worlds...

If you asked me what is my fav off this whole album I could not answer you... if you asked me what is the weakest song I could not answer you either as there are no weak songs or fillers on this one... rarely do you get an album nowdays that is 100% majestic.
Pabla said:
You know I am with you on the praising of this album... to be honest I must have heard it about 50 times in a week... since I have it on constant loop at the office, car... everywhere... even in the shower :lol: (I am not joking)

To me this is their best effort since SSOASS, it takes elements from their 80's sound, 2000 sound and Bruce's solo to combine all to a masterpiece which still retains a fresh sound without loosing their "ever present Maiden sound".

I'll be damned... when a band changes their sound people complain that it sounds nothing like their old formula, then when a band uses the same formula there are complaints too! Well this album has the best of all worlds...

If you asked me what is my fav off this whole album I could not answer you... if you asked me what is the weakest song I could not answer you either as there are no weak songs or fillers on this one... rarely do you get an album nowdays that is 100% majestic.

Pabla, I'm in agreement with every single comment here...every one. Including the "as good as SSOASS" comment. Maiden!
ElectricWiz said:
Pabla, I'm in agreement with every single comment here...every one. Including the "as good as SSOASS" comment. Maiden!
DITTO HERE! I haven't been quite as bad as Pabla about keeping this in constant rotation, but I have heard it at least 20 times in the past week or so. It doesn't stay out of my player(s) for very long. I just can't stop listening to it! I'll be down at Best Buy on Tuesday buying the real thing, that's for sure. :headbang:
You guys have me so freakin pumped up for this its ridiculous. If Im let down Ill hunt you all down. Well Ill just tell you about it on line. I cant wait.
You guys have me so freakin pumped up for this its ridiculous. If Im let down Ill hunt you all down. Well Ill just tell you about it on line. I cant wait.

Well, it's a grower, so don't expect BAM on first listen. For me it went like this, more or less...

First spin - Cool, yeah...pretty good here.
Second spin - Wait a second. This is pretty damned good.
Third -, holy shit, this is cool
Fourth - Man, there is no weak track on this....

And at this point I'm basically starting to think of it in the larger Maiden canon if you will, and it ranks very high. It could easily be one of their five best (for me).

Be for warned though, this is probably not going to be true for people whose whole idea of Maiden is "Run To The Hills," type songs. Now, that's a fine thing to love about Maiden, but this consists more of the obscure, long tracks. If you love Lonliness of the Long Distance Runner, or say The Prophecy from SSOASS, or maybe even the Duellists from Powerslave, then you are gonna love it. It's metal for metal's sake, if that holds any water for ya.
ElectricWiz said:
Be for warned though, this is probably not going to be true for people whose whole idea of Maiden is "Run To The Hills," type songs. Now, that's a fine thing to love about Maiden, but this consists more of the obscure, long tracks. If you love Lonliness of the Long Distance Runner, or say The Prophecy from SSOASS, or maybe even the Duellists from Powerslave, then you are gonna love it. It's metal for metal's sake, if that holds any water for ya.
This is true. There's not much of the Iron Maiden "sing-along" choruses. I prefer it that way, though. The sing-along songs I tend to get bored with much sooner than the lengthy, proggy, epics. Fortunately, this album is chocked full of lengthy, proggy, epics! Right up my alley!
Well good songs are good songs. i loved Brave New World, but couldnt get into Dance Of Death much. So I guess Ill just ahve to give it a listen. I thought Bruce sounded to strained on DOD. Does he sound better this time around?
good songs. maiden is one of those bands that has still managed to stay good (in terms of new material and performance, which both are extremely sucked t my metallica) through all these years.
Well good songs are good songs. i loved Brave New World, but couldnt get into Dance Of Death much. So I guess Ill just ahve to give it a listen. I thought Bruce sounded to strained on DOD. Does he sound better this time around?

Definately. And I shared this opinion with you, so it's likely you'll agree he sounds a lot better on this one.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Careful Wiz, the Matter of Life and Death haters might start chucking eggs at you because of your mindless Maiden worship. Don't you know this album is tedious, boring, repetitive, and uninspired??? :D

Yeah, we blasphemers are yet to see the light... :p