Fuk shit yes instant song in 3 hours

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
Fuck yes brothers the beast is back. After mucho illness suffering from writerus chronica blockus for a long, long time, something just clicked, I wrote from the heart, beginning to end, lyrics first (yes never thought the day would come, lyrics first), fucking stellar, a song for me, yes hell yes, omg fucking killer. We're talking verse, prechorus, verse, prechorus, chorus, gap, verse, prechorus, chorus, bridge a, bridge b, chorus, outro verse, slow song, fucking hella tight damn it feels good. In three hours!! WTF?? Three hours? That is just not me...I take months to write songs...what the fuck? And these were all new riffs. Granted, they're very easy, but who cares? The song flows as well as any I have written. Just needs a title. What a breath of fresh air after an abysmal week.
Yeah, i'm getting into the KISS method lately, me and my buds have started up a hardcore (kida comeback kid inspired) band yesterday evening and wrote two songs in 3 hours (they're good musicians, not super technical but very tight and "musical" so to say). We're planning to do an ep in a week or two :D

Oh well, it's fun :)