The Trigger EP: The Horror Continues

no you are not the only one, I am more a c64-head than I am a metalhead. But there is an unofficial c64-version of Jotun I found on Internet, which is much better converted than the Moonshield one and which I obviously like more.
i just heard watch them feed and i am pleased with teh guitar work and drums quite alot and i will be satisfyed if the new album features more guitar work like this but anders clean vocals are horrible and that is the only let down for me.
Jesus fucking christ...fine, heres some constructive criticism...

The guitar work - a step up from most R2R material, the fast paced but simple main riff is decent, but nothing to write home about, but is fine for setting mood/groove of the song. The 2nd riff is great, a sort of Dimension Zero or At The Gates throwback riff with a decent melody and change for the song at that point. The chorus riff...a blended open riff that fits the chorus fine, without hurting the pace or mood of the song. The 4th riff (lead break) the perfect twist for this song, MUCH in the vein of older in flames material (hence my confusion for most of your hatred for the song).

Drums - good, fast, present, brutal....nothing more i could ask for in an in flames song.

vocals - Typically the same sort of performance as on R2R if not a bit better, which i have no problem with whatsoever, i like his new raspy aproach.

there...theres your bloody constructive criticism..

and as for you square nothing, i got into in flames during 99...not the summer before reroute, so shut your stupid face.
Well the only thing i find somewhat interesting on the EP is actually the cover song, at least its somewhat catchy.
Watch Them Feed is just general Reroute material with better sounding drums, Trigger blows enormously as usual.
The Puff Daddy version of Cloud Connected doesn't make me feel better.
Who said IF must be fags to remix their song?

I guess Arcturus must be fags...

Anyway, I think that if the new album sounds a little bit more like Watch them Feed, it will KICK everyone's ass. The song is trashy and melodic.

Watch them feed is brilliant, I couldnt care what retarded "elitests" call me because of it, they say they want the old music back, but they complain about the least thing the band does and call em a sell out, thats not wanting music, thats people not wanting to loose theyre "metalness" infront of the other elitests.... its fucked.
Watch Them Feed really is much better than most stuff on Reroute to Remain. In spite of that TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE opening riff the verse riff and the prechorus riff are much better than the average RTR riff. I'm not too big on the vocals during the chorus either, but the biggest thing for me is that the production is back where to it needs to be, and the guitars don't sound muddy anymore. I also like how the harmonized leads in the interlude don't sound pushed back in the mix like they do on RTR (even during songs like Dark Signs and Trigger the harmonized leads don't sound as up front as they should).
Agreed with Bastrd, the productoin is a ton better. Reroute would actually get a much better rating from me if In flames didnt bury all those leads...
Oh, and another thing: what's the fucking point of even having a live drummer if you're going to trigger the drums into fucking oblivion making him sound exactly like a drum machine? At least the song ("Trigger") has an appropriate title. HÖ HÖ HÖ.
Well, im just glad i never bought an In Flames CD, look how crap they've gone... i loved the acoustic breaks, the power ful vocals and stuff like the solo in zombie inc, where has all this beauty gone? they've turned into a shit band, linkin park is better, than R2R thats for damn sure.
I think that Anders is the problem. Before RTR, the music was written by Bjorn, Jesper. Now: "Music written by: Bjorn, Jesper, Anders" :erk:
IcedEarth725 said:
I really hope they don't turn into some sorta new wave shit. That would suck. I mean their fucking remixing songs ! RE MIXING ! ONLY RAPPERS AND MAINSTREAM FAGS REMIX !

I seriosuly hope they don't end up like metallica. A great band gone to shit.
and anders need to drop this nasal voice and go back to the voice on Whoracle.

This is both an ignorant and foolish statement. Bands like Emperor and Ulver have done excellent remixes with their songs amd neither of the two are Rap or "mainstream fags." i can name countless other metal and non metal ( but neither rap or mainstream). that have done remixes that are excellent.