The Trigger EP: The Horror Continues

Club Connected sounds pretty cool to tell ya the truth... its different lol... its fun... well atleast we know that In Flames are having fun with their music, and that they dont take it too seriously
Land of confusion is good... i like it...

ok now Moonshield... this is funny!!! i just started crackin up with i first heard it!
Dude, fuck the flames, they shafted us with this pseudo-metal linkin parkesque synth crap. Of coarse the EP sux, they are now on the well treded road of sell outs.

@The Frozen One - Hello!!! Jesper is In Flames, Just like Jon is Iced Earth! If he leaves the band, there is no band.

You know what is great about this board. I can bitch and moan about N'Flaymz, even though they ended the official board. If only you could see me as i'm typing this, because i'm laughing
I must say i'm very impressed with the new song an the Genesis cover.

Watch Them Feed is IMO better that the average song on RtR. I mean a pretty nice solo, some double bass use and pretty up-tempo.

Allthough the Genesis cover is shorter than the original, it sure does let the listener hear, what In Flames is also capable of. They are capable of delivering us a kickass cover, which sounds just very good while keeping their In Flames sound which is obviously a Clayman/RtR sound.

Club Connected is pretty funny too. I think it's the result of touring with Pain for some months.

And moonshield C64 version...It's just hilarious! I listen to it over and over again.

A thing I don't like on the EP, is the sound of the snare drums. It's way to intrusive. And (however it's a Trigger EP), Trigger doesn't fit on this EP at all.

So I think I have to disagree with the people who think negatively about this EP. Sorry :)
Im listening to "watch them feed" right now...and all i have to say, is that you guys who dont like it...must WANT to dislike this!! this is amazing to me, better than most the R2R material, and i love that album. The lead break, the double bass, the chorus...all solid shit here! In Flames is better than stop smoking that crack!:)
squarenothing66 said:
But I want LEADS! I want IN FLAMES. Get rid of that shotty downtuned riff in Watch Them Feed... add in a lead or two. Cancel the clean vocals, make them growls... and we have a good song.

Now we're talkin'...
Although Land of Confusion is starting to grow on me... I still think Trigger is the best song on the album. Compared to the two new ones, it definitely showcases what In Flames should be compared to the new songs. Hopefully Watch Them Feed is just the "Transparent" of the new album. I still have some hope, but we will have to wait and see.
Yes, I'm anxious to hear the future album. My favourite song on R2R would have to be Metaphor, actually. It sounds so different. R2R isn't all that bad, don't have a problem with it at all.
well I don't really like the opening riff, the chorus is kinda okay but I gotta say that from 1:51 to 2:17 in the song, that's the best music In Flames has written since Clayman

If the new album has breaks / riffs like that in it, it should be good

as for the other songs, I gotta say that for me, they kinda fucked up "Land of Confusion" ... not at all the way I imagined it, and I don't like what they did with it ... the Remix of Cloud Connected is pretty good, I like it ... Moonshield C64 is funny

I'm still gonna buy the EP for the DVD ... I'm kinda hoping there's some surprises on it because if all they manage to put on the DVD is 2 videos, then that's a nice waste of DVD storage space