The Quiet Place Promo My Review

ArchY said:
When I read all your post, I remember and I understand why the band have decided to close their official board....

You are not able to judge the work of one of the best band of the world, and with only 3 tracks that aren't officially release...

That's right! In Flames is the best band in the world!! If you were true fan you'll follow them even if it's not like The Jester Race or Whoracle or anything old! Any band has the right to evolve!!
Erik , just two words : you suck

For all the other who forbidden to a band the right to evolve in their music, fuck off! and spread your filthy words on this unnofficial board...
You make me sick, burn your IF tee shirt, break you cd, (don't forget to erase all the Mp3 you have stollen) and go to hell !

See ya ! and see you in one year when you'll find this album is great !

There does seem to be a great deal of effort by many metal fans to hate bands - it beggars belief sometimes.
ArchY said:
Erik , just two words : you suck

For all the other who forbidden to a band the right to evolve in their music, fuck off! and spread your filthy words on this unnofficial board...
You make me sick, burn your IF tee shirt, break you cd, (don't forget to erase all the Mp3 you have stollen) and go to hell !

See ya ! and see you in one year when you'll find this album is great !

Yeah ! Let's bannish him because he expressed his disappointment in a respectful way, yet hoped the album would be good and said he'd support the band even if he doesn't like STYE !

WatchMeAllINFLAMES said:
That's right! In Flames is the best band in the world!! If you were true fan you'll follow them even if it's not like The Jester Race or Whoracle or anything old! Any band has the right to evolve!!
Being a true fan involves expressing your dissatisfaction in subpar work by said band. Loving them no matter how shitty the music. That's fanboy-ism.
You know? In Flames have just become a horrible Hot Topic band now. I kept quiet after hearing Reroute to Remain, I give every band one absoulte shitter of an album before passing judgment on them. I thought op myself, "Maybe they were just, uh, experimenting and after failing at being mallcore they'll stop and tell us all it was one big joke." Well obviously that didnt happen because what I'm hearing right now (the Quiet Place) is absoultely god awful. This is NOT In Flames, this is NOT intricate melodic death metal, what this is is chunky mallcore devoid of passion and devoid of anything that is musically worthwhile. I will not be buying anymore shirts, any more cds, and I'm pissed because I really wanted to see this band live but I know now if I do catch them it will be mallcore fest 2k4 and when I yell "Play something off of Jester Race!" the thirteen year olds with spiky hair and Slippycock shirts next to me will give me blank stares and go, "thats the wrong band man, these guys have only had two albums, geez get your shit right" In Flames are dead to me.

commandante said:
just ignore the Frenchman, he is just too passionate about In Flames...
I don't know if someone can be too much something or too much something else, the only thing, and you will be agree with me, you can't stop a band to evolve in their live and their music...
So follow the In Flames' Ship or jump !

last :
I have a big respect for the dude of IF, they are true, they are what they are and they kick some major butt :grin:
Daybreaker said:
and I'm pissed because I really wanted to see this band live but I know now if I do catch them it will be mallcore fest 2k4 and when I yell "Play something off of Jester Race!" the thirteen year olds with spiky hair and Slippycock shirts next to me will give me blank stares and go, "thats the wrong band man, these guys have only had two albums, geez get your shit right"
oh yeah, im totally sure thats whats gonna happen. you know what? do the world a favor and commit suicide, we could use less morons on this planet.
for all those people who are saying that in flames has "evolved".

true... its evolved into something subpar compared to their previous material.

Lets keep it real here. no one actually prefers this to the old stuff. so why pretend this is a "positive evolution".

i havent read a single post saying that its better then the older stuff. so why defend it as being "evolved"?

if you played r2r next to the jester race you cant believe its the same band. True there is massive evolution between these periods in the bands life... but it is for the worse.
hmm, i just listened to it. pretty average.

relies on electronics to make it sound a little more technical and melodic. this fails though, coz you can hear the very basic riffing and the seemingly mindless drumming, which is the same through each of the 3 tracks. it seems no one in the band has really put any effort into these tracks.

too much in the way of clean vocals. i dont mind anders' clean vocals, but they are the substance of each song - which is not what inflames is about.

it will probably be catchy for a week or 2 then become dull and repetitive.

wont be buying this album coming, unless there is a complete track turn around.
Hmmm, as this is my first post (here anyway), I want you to know that this is just my opinion, nothing more, nothing less.

First off, let's start with the my opinion about The Quiet Place. Let's say I love this promo. I think In Flames have finally found their style. No, it's not nu-metal. No, it's not the classical Swedish death metal. You see, that nu-metal stuff is all about agression, stupid idiotic agression, the songs aren't really that complicated, the vocals are more straight forewarded than TQP. In Flames have their own feeling, identity, that not ONE nu-metal band is gona achieve. The songs in TQP are more pushed towards showing the band's feelings. As, in a interview for a Bulgarian metal magazine, Bjorn said: "In Flames is all about melodies and feelings". The melody is there, the feelings are there. Oh, yes their older stuff is extreamly good, and I agree with you, but what would separate In Flames from Dark Tranquillity, The Duskfall, Mourning Caress to name a few, if they continued to release albums as The Jester Race. Like any other band In Flames are looking for identity, and they have found it. They've found it since they started the NWOSDM, but they've decided to let other follow the path they've carved. They decided to "evolve" as you say. Well, that doesn't mean that they'll evolve in a better way, and if you don't like what they are doing now, just don't listen to them. The music is not so complicated? Yes, well, if you want to find one minute solos in every song, go listen to Dream Theater (actually their solos are longer). You don't have to make extreamly complicated music, to show your feelings, your emotions.
I can't wait for this album, this promo just showed me what I already knew: In Flames aren't going to follow any thrends, they are going to do what they want no matter what we, the fans, do.
Oh, and the comparsion to Passenger isn't accurate. TQP have more harder riffs, the guitar work is promoted to a higher level, while there Passenger's guitars weren't payd so much attention, they are simplier. The overall sound of TQP is more harder, more thicker, if I can express myself that way...
That's all from me...
Nifelheim said:
Oh, and the comparsion to Passenger isn't accurate. TQP have more harder riffs, the guitar work is promoted to a higher level, while there Passenger's guitars weren't payd so much attention, they are simplier. The overall sound of TQP is more harder, more thicker, if I can express myself that way...
That's all from me...
What? No.

Listen to "Carnival Diaries" by Passenger.

Then, listen to "Borders & Shading" from this promo. Tell me that the Carnival Diaries riff isn't recycled and sped up, verbatim in Borders & Shading. You can't, because it is.

The comparison to Passenger stems more from Anders clean vocals sounding more like his Passenger work than on RTR (and better, in my opinion.)
pallarandersvisa said:
yeah, they should change their name to Passenger. its not metal at all. its pure pop rock, but if you open your mind, and just forget about in flames being metal ,then you will like it
no i wont
it sucks plain and simple
they have sold their sound for money
its quite sad
greedy bastards
oh ya, passenger fucking SUCK btw
they sold out for money? I didn't know you were the bands spokesman...

personally it sounds like Anders is putting a lot more heart into his singing now than he ever did before.. I still prefer old In Flames because the music and energy were just better overall, and it was actually metal. But I do think that this is the direction they wanted to go in.. no one wants to keep making the same fuckin album over again.

I also love how people think that what a band does centers around them.. wake up, the band doesn't give a shit about you. They play music that they feel like playing, and they appreciate it if you support them.. but ultimately they write and play for themselves, not you, me, or anyone else. Did they do it for money? I could care less.. its another fuckin metal band making another fuckin record.. I don't care what they're thinking, what they're doing, what kind of socks they wear, what kind of toothbrushes they use.. I listen to the music and if I like it, I listen to it.. if I don't like it, I put in another metal CD (yeah, there are other metal cd's you know). What a bunch of anal, over-analytical, and whiny bitches.. I'm pretty glad IF are losing fans like you.