The quiet place

Dark idea

Jul 7, 2003
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Ok....Just listened to the quiet place, touch of red and borders of shading. First off...the quiet place looks like a rock song with some growls sometimes. But it isint a terrible song ( its not the in flames we know ) then touch of red... Some growls more guitar riffs but a terrible chorus. Its a ok song but still not at all what IF does usualy then borders of shading. This song I must say is pretty good ( not the damn clean vocals ) the growls are nice the guitar is (ok ) and the chorus is nice so if we look at this little single we can say that r2r is a hard album! To be honest..I didint like r2r before I heard the quiet place but now I see tis not that bad. Also...I heard that the single ( the quiet place ) would be real bad...and I must admitt that I dont like it real much but I also heard that those 3 songs are the 3 songs that dont sound like the others on the album. So apperently the album will so ung more like clayman with a litle r2r touch. If you listen to borders of can see a little resemblance between that song and only for the i'll keep hoping that the album will be good and not like the single of the quiet place.
Do You Understand What You Just Did?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Started A New Quiet Place Thread When Theres Already A Thousand Other Ones!!!!!!!!!!! Omg Mass Suicide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!