New In Flames EP it nu-metal? -MP3's here.

Officer Nice

Oct 7, 2002
Someone on the board said the new In Flames song "Watch Them Feed"
from the new EP "Trigger" sounded like nu-metal, so I guess Stun said it?,
but here are the 3 songs. The 4th song was an instrumental karoake
version. Check these out. You decide. Post your opinion.

"Watch Them Feed" is new. "Land of Confusion" is a Genesis song from 1987
and "Cloud Connected" was on RTR but this is some kind of remix.
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I have the Trigger EP.........And I like it......I can't say it's Nu-Metal.......I just think of it as In Flames.........Any In Flames.........Is good In Flames....IMO

:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:.........What's also real cool about the EP is that it contains 2 video's off the R2R Album............!
Deadly Embrace said:
I have the Trigger EP.........And I like it......I can't say it's Nu-Metal.......I just think of it as In Flames.........Any In Flames.........Is good In Flames...

......What's also real cool about the EP is that it contains 2 video's off the R2R Album............!
I share your opinion. You and me usually end up sharing the same opinions
on most things .I dont actually own the EP....I just illegally downloaded off
the internet. What were the vids for?

I really liked what they did with the Genesis cover, even though they
left one of Genesis' verses out. I thought the remix would be more far out,
but ended up liking it just as much as the original- and I'm not much of a
remix kind of guy. I liked the new song "Watch Them Feed"....really cool lyrics.
I don't quite get the nu-metal reference, it doesn't sound like Limp
Bizkit to me.

When is the new disc coming out again?
OfficerNice said:
I share your opinion. You and me usually end up sharing the same opinions
on most things ....What were the vids for?
When is the new disc coming out again?
The video's are:
Trigger...........and............Cloud Connected

The New Album countdown is:

"Soundtrack To Your Escape". The album will be released through Nuclear Blast Records in Europe on March 29, 2004.
It ain't Clayman/Colony era In Flames but it ain't Nu Metal crap either. People said the same shit about Soilwork's last release. I don't know why. It's different, but calling In Flames Nu Metal is like calling Madonna rap.
Steiner said:
It ain't Clayman/Colony era In Flames but it ain't Nu Metal crap either. People said the same shit about Soilwork's last release. I don't know why. It's different, but calling In Flames Nu Metal is like calling Madonna rap.
yeah aint nu but its less metal!!!:erk:
Steiner said:
It ain't Clayman/Colony era In Flames
Nah, it's certainly not the old stuff, Colony/Whoracle/Jesters in essence,
but you can always hear some of the elements of those classic albums
carry over into the newer RTR/Clayman material.

but it ain't Nu Metal crap either. People said the same shit about
Soilwork's last release. I don't know why. It's different, but calling In Flames
Nu Metal is like calling Madonna rap.
Soilworks Finger Number Five? I didnt think it was nu-metal at all, but IMO
it was not as good as Natural Born Chaos or the priors- Chainheart Machine
and Steelbath Suicide. I don't own FNF, I illegally downloaded it off the
internet....did Devon Townshend produce FNF?...I really liked what he did
with Natural Born Chaos.
I would take Soilwork over In Flames...:headbang:

These two IF songs aren't too bad, I can't say I've ever listened to Genesis but I have heard that song before...somewhere.

In Flames will never again be as most of us would like...still acceptable metal, but not OTT.
Insania said:
I would take Soilwork over In Flames...:headbang:
I'd take In Flames over Soilwork, if I had to, even though I love both.
I kinda look at In Flames like they're the Led Zeppelin of Melodic Death.
They change it up everytime and make it a little more far out but still
very cool and very musicial and very creative. So the heaviness changes
and takes different form, but it's always heavy when you strip down the
layers and see it at the core. A lot of fans though want the straight
forward uber-heaviness In Flames is known for and I can't deny that
being true cause their old uber-heaviness is so awesome, but I've always
been a big Led Zeppelin fan so when I see a band come along in the metal
genre who I think is like that, I'm so totally into whatever they do like RTR,
for example.

These two IF songs aren't too bad, I can't say I've ever listened to Genesis but I have heard that song before...somewhere. [/QQUOTE]

Land of Confusion was one of their singles back in 87 or something. They
made a video for it and MTV played it a lot. I loved it. Reagan saddling up
to might the Cold War menace and then in the end of the vid, pushing
the button and starting the Nuclear Halocaust.

In Flames will never again be as most of us would like...still acceptable metal, but not OTT.
What is OTT? Is that like OPP?
Insania said:
There was an old Exciter song called O.T.T.:headbang: -- maybe you remember it?
Oh My God.
I haven't heard Exciter in years. O.T.T was one of their songs. Over The Top.
I only vaguely remember it. I remember the chorus. What was it?...he's a headcase in outerspace, what a waste OTT...Over The Top? Something
like that. Wow, that's really stretching my memory.
One of my favorite songs --but it comes off their worst album -- I think Beehler was the vocalist on OTT, even though they recruited Rob Malnati on vocals.

Also, they have two fairly recent releases, (The Dark Command, Blood of Tyrants), which every damn metalhead should own! Jacque Belanger (vox) reminds me of Dan Beehler with high pitched screams, but comes off much more aggressive. No melodic death growls here, just old-school-style clean screaming. Maybe a combo of Russ Anderson and Halford, fuck I don't know, something like that. I read they played one gig last year in New Hampshire...

These are awesome CDs, get 'em! They're over the top:headbang:
Not sure who produced FNF for Soilwork, but the production quality was pretty solid. As far as the Trigger's old news now. I'm joking, but seriously there was a 3 song something or other than appeared all over the internet this weekend. It's called "The Quiet Place". There are three songs on it. It's sort of like R2R but a little more melodic IMO. The three songs are called...

The Quiet Place
Borders And Shading
Touch Of Red

Check a local P2P for your copy!
Yeah that was me. I said the main riff of Watch Them Feed sounds like it was straight outta a "nu-metal for dummies" book... I wasn't talking about the cover or anything tho. I can't believe all you old-school thrashers can stomach this watered-down version of metal, if I can't...
Stun said:
Yeah that was me. I said the main riff of Watch Them Feed sounds like it was straight outta a "nu-metal for dummies" book... I wasn't talking about the cover or anything tho. I can't believe all you old-school thrashers can stomach this watered-down version of metal, if I can't...
Watered down?

You are also the guy who thinks old Metallica is nothing special,
that old metal doesn't mean much because you are too young for
the early 80's metal revolution and you thought MH's TTAOE sucked,
when Metal Hammer voted it number one of the year.


Old Metallica is nothing special to me because it's boring as shit now. I've heard it a million times in a million different places. It's old news now. When you know every riff, every word, every note of every solo, it's time to take a break from that album (or those albums, in this case). And I never said old metal doesn't mean anythign to me... I specifically said I didn't like Kill Em All because it was so one-dimensional, but that if I had grown up in your time I wouldn't have cared. And your comment suggesting that I should care that Metal Hammer voted Machine Head's album #1 is laughable...

...and none of these things have anything to do with me observing that IF is a watered down, shamelessly catchy version of what they used to be. If you like what they've become, that's fine... but I think a lot of ppl's loyalty to the band blinds them of what the band has become.
Stun said:
...and none of these things have anything to do with me observing that IF is a watered down, shamelessly catchy version of what they used to be. If you like what they've become, that's fine... but I think a lot of ppl's loyalty to the band blinds them of what the band has become.
I'm establishing that your opinion is always off-center.

KEM is not one-dimensional. You must be half-deaf or something from
listening to that awful Children of Bodom shit.

My loyalty to In Flames, since you phrased it that way, does not leave
me blind to what the band is doing. For someone who's so into music and
not liking something just because it's heavy, why are the hell are you
whining so hard!

You need to put this down....


and stop smoking crack!!!!!!!!

OfficerNice said:
I'm establishing that your opinion is always off-center.

KEM is not one-dimensional. You must be half-deaf or something from
listening to that awful Children of Bodom shit.

Lol my opinion is always off-center............ there is no center in the land of opinions.

Calling CoB awful shit... I can understand that. But denying that KEM is one-dimensional, which I was certain noone would ever do... I think we can just agree to disagree here, because there's just no point. If you don't want to open your mind to music, you don't have to. Personally, I don't think I want to close my mind until KEM magically sprouts depth beyond it's steadily repeated riffs, constantly blistering fast solos, and uninspired singing. I'm happy where I am now, and you obviously are at least a bit satisfied with where you are.

And I didn't understand your comment about me "not liking something just because it's heavy" or whatever you said. But I don't really care. Very little has ever been gained from discussing things with you, so I'm dropping it.