Song for a good cause, need some pointers!


John - Spiralcove
Mar 21, 2009
Hey guys,

I'm going to contribute a song to guitarguru777's compilation (proceeds of the sale are for Ivan (jangoux), check this:

At the moment I have a song finished without vocals and I'm trying to get a decent sounding mix.

Some details:
Drums = Slate + S2.0 + custom samples
Bass = Ampeg SVT + DI blended
Guitar = POD XT Pro -> Rocktron Velocity -> 2x12" V30 -> SM57 -> Focusrite green pre

Here's a sample of the song:

EDIT: updated mix, some EQ adjustments on the guitars:

Can you give me some pointers of what you like or what you don't like?
Thanks! :popcorn:
Ther guitars have a kind of a boxy mid character around 700-1000Hz and an annoying fizz at around 5-7kHz. Try sweeping and cutting around there. It also sounds like you could try low-passing them a bit lower, but that could be just the fizz that's throwing me off there. In my experience, 10-12kHz lo-pass isn't low enough for POD tones.

EDIT: If you think the guitars end up sounding too dull, you might want to try and dig up just a little compensating "bite" from the 2-3kHz area.
Hi Jarkko,

thanks for your reply. I already have a dip around 500 Hz, so I think I should extend the range a bit. I actually did experiment with the low-pass, so I'll lower that one too. If I recall correctly, I boosted a bit around 4 kHz, but after a while of mixing I couldn't deceide if that was good or bad.... ;)

Thanks, gonna try some others EQ settings ASAP!
You could try a double low mid scoop, just don't 'scoop' it too much.
for example cut around 700-1000 hz down for 4 db and raise your 500 scoop with 4.
I'm not telling this is what you need, but since Jarkko says it maybe needs it, that's how I would try to do it.
Yeah, I was thinking about that... gonna try some EQ stuff tomorrow, I'm leaving in a few minutes to see Alter Bridge :D
I'm gonna bump this one once more: any thoughts on the new guitar sound and other stuff? Or is this really bad?? :(