Song for America = Rediscovery, Pt. 2


Aug 29, 2005
If you have "Song for America" by Kansas, listen to the part starting around 3:16

Then, listen to "Rediscovery, Pt. 2" at around 1:16

I usually thought that Symphony X grabbed inspiration from other artists and mildly changed a tune here and there (Example: the opening lyrics of "Candlelight Fantasia" are very similar to an ELP song). However, one key phrase that occurs in both samples mentioned made me o_O . So, are there any other excerpts of other bands' songs that Symphony X might've borrowed?
Dude, i don't really think i should need to say this (and i understand you are making a valid observation), but it's very easy for bands to inadvertantly write riffs very similar to artists they are influenced by. Oftentimes it's a subconscious thing. I'm sure you aren't accusing them of stealing riffs, but i'm just saying that it happens all the time. Even Pain of Salvation rips off Faith no More.
Every single artist steals from other artists. :D t'ain't nothing to be ashamed of.

"A good composer does not imitate; he steals."

~Igor Stravinsky
My friend who got banned from here not too long ago wrote a song called "Temple of Ra", called "Temple of Ra", called Temple of Ra, Temple of Ra, and it's the biggest ripoff of Fallen I've ever seen in my entire life.
DoomsdayZach said:
Dude, i don't really think i should need to say this (and i understand you are making a valid observation), but it's very easy for bands to inadvertantly write riffs very similar to artists they are influenced by. Oftentimes it's a subconscious thing. I'm sure you aren't accusing them of stealing riffs, but i'm just saying that it happens all the time. Even Pain of Salvation rips off Faith no More.

I agree with you again, you must be a pretty smart guy or somethin
Listen to Mechanix by Megadeth, and then The Four Horsemen by Metallica. They literally ARE the same thing, down to the guitar solo!!! I'm sorry, but I just so had to do that.
No. Four Horseman has a gay part that sounds almost exactly like Sweet Home Alabama. I just so had to do that. And James sounds like an ass when he says "Ah Yeayeah!" No offense to you Ptah, I just REALLY hate Metallica.
My favorite part about the Four Horsemen thing is that they can't sue him for copyright infringement.