Song from our new album


Jul 7, 2007
Kassel, Germany
Hey folks!
After a long time of recording and an intense week of mixing, editing and stuff, I want to ask your ears for some feedback on this one.

The track name is just a working title, but the sound is somewhat the final product we´re going for. It´s one of 13 tracks we will release on our updcoming LP called "To perish the Pantomime".

Since I spent about 12 hours every day on it in the last week, I need some fresh ears to tell me if this rocks or if it´s totally awful.

Thanks for any opinion,

Seb // DowntimeStudio

Wow, thanks dudes.
After some healthy hours of silence I checked it over again, and I think I´ll psuh the vocals a little bit more in some of the lower parts.
Still open for any opinion, feel free to ask any question on it.

I had to listen to this in at an office respectable level.. on cheesy labtec speakers..

it sounded good! very clear.

it was hard to hear the snare over the vox/guitars.. but I'm sure that has to do with the conditions to which I had to listen to it.

and yes, the guitar tone is fantastic!

I'd be interested to hear details on how you achieved it.
Overall production sounds really nice. I agree about the synth. It's a bit too loud. I'd also bring the guitars down a bit. IMO they bury the drums & vox a bit too much and the mix loses punch a bit because of that.
Yeah awesome guitar tone. You got the amp settings?

We used the lead-channel.

I'd be interested to hear details on how you achieved it.

Signal chain and settings as mentioned above. Processing was just a low cut
at about 120 hz and a little amount of compressor to duck the low mids.
It was just one track recorded per side, no double-tracking or stuff.

I'd raise a bit up the bass drum and give it some meat

Yes, you´re right on this one, I´ll give it some more low-end, which lacks
a bit actually.

Id bring down that synth at 2.55 A TAD other than that its pretty sweet i like the song too well done.

Thanks bro, good to hear that not only the sound is okay ;)

did you boost it at all with a ts-9 or something before it went into the 6505?thats is probably one of the best guitar sounds ive ever heard. every note has definition. love it. nice job man. the guitar part after the synth stuff is incredible. amazing talent. i wouldnt be surprised to hear you guys on a huge tour soon.
Fuck, those Greenbacks sound amazing! A bit overgained, but still great.

Great guitar tone, and awesome overall mix! I'd like to hear the snare a bit less verbed/more 'in your face,' and that synth is way too high, volume wise. Everything else rules!