Song I did with ENGL - Victor Smolski

Sep 2, 2010
Wanted to share a song I did last week for a project I'm trying to start. It's not the best production in the world and i'm still a noob when it comes to recording/mixing but it is probably my best mix yet (that's not saying much haha). Anyway, all guitars (clean, heavy, leads) are done with an ENGL Victor Smolski through a Marshall MF400b straight cab (Celestion K-100's). I have some shitty vocal stage mic that I used to track...i'm still very new to mic'ing cabs. I plan on getting an SM57 soon though. Rhythm guitars are quad tracked (4 takes, 2 on each side). Carvin CT4 with Dimarzio Crunch Lab in bridge on Channel 4 and Schecter C-1 Classic with JB in bridge on channel 3. The track has all sorts of processing but I thought the guitar tones came out pretty decent. I put a limiter on the master track to make it louder so you can hear it's pretty pushed (I have no idea what I'm doing)...I kinda like the pushed sound a bit tho. Anyway, dig it. Feel free to leave CONSTRUCTIVE feedback, i'm not looking to get bashed haha.
Guitars sound very good! Especially the cleans at the beginning :)
But your kickdrum has no balls (give it more lows and way less of 5-10khz) and do you have a bass guitar at all? :devil:
Drums not audible at all...

nice playing btw! fucking tight :Smokin:
i like such clicky bassdrums! and the guitars have a nice "chuggachugga". sounds great but the leads are weird/shrill in my ears and the overall mix has more of a live recording sound..thats not bad but i guess not wanted?

however..when i hear longer to it the bassdrum could have a bit more fullness..
Thanks for the feedback. I totally agree with everything said. Yes haha, there's a bass guitar but I agree it's a bit too low in the mix. I had a mix that had much more lows but felt it was too much. I need some decent headphones for when I mix. I'm using yamaha HS50 monitors which seem pretty honest but lack in the lows a bit. The lead tone was something I struggled with and finally settled. I couldn't seem to dial out that shrillness without losing note definition. I think I just didn't record a good lead tone in the first place. This is my first time recording this amp (or any amp really...I've always demo'd with pocket pod or sims). As for the drums, i definitely need more fullness and clarity. The kick and snare are a bit trebely and weak and I couldn't seem to get the drums more in your face without peaking and what not. I think a new drum program will help matters. Still learning how to make stuff sound good. The purpose of this demo was to show other musicians an example of what i'm looking to do but also to practice the craft of recording and see how the ENGL sounded on "tape". Just because it's a demo doesn't mean I shouldn't try my best to make it sound good, right? I'd say the rhythm, acoustic, and clean guitars and the composition itself or my strong points and the lead tone, drum clarity, and general bottom end are something I need to work on. I appreciate you guys taking the time to listen and share your feedback.
I recommend Toontracks Metal Machine for Drums - easy to use and awesome sounds!