Song Meaning For "Thrashed, Lost & Strungout"

MunKey said:
Any one know the song meaning?

If it was called "Thrashed, Lost, and Strungout", it could probabbly be about a rape victim lying in the mud in a ditch. Thats so kvlt and tr00, I think I reached a new level of metal supremacy just now.

I think Cannibal Corpse needs to make a new song...

:headbang: :kickass: :lol:
-Merrild- said:
Yeah, and those lyrics were correct you think?

Seriously..cob lyrics is kinda bad and shitty
agreed, with better lyrics and the alexis' guitar work it would be omfgl337!!!111
BloodyScalpel said:
Seriously, you wouldn't tell your mom's vagina from a rusty teaspoon sculpture even if you could have all the time to analyze them :loco:
got to my sig! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I was there when they played the song first time ever, close to my house. Alexi said (in Finnish of course) that we're gonna play a new song for you, it tells about drinking, homelessness and drug addiction.. I think those were the words. Would love to see the video to find out, but no-one's willing to send it to me.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
I was there when they played the song first time ever, close to my house. Alexi said (in Finnish of course) that we're gonna play a new song for you, it tells about drinking, homelessness and drug addiction.. I think those were the words. Would love to see the video to find out, but no-one's willing to send it to me.
If you think that that is alexi:

i must say sorry but "thats" not him

sorry joonas, couldnt resist ;-)