Song/mix i'm working on, TSS and TSE


Señor Miembro
Feb 17, 2009
Hey guise

Here's a clip i'm currently working on, mixed in reaper with nothing fancy, not a lot of processing... which might be obvious i dunno, TSE and TSS for guitars and a mix of GuitarHack's new awesome GRIND impulse and Catharsi's spreshigh, i'm not sure at all about all the synth stuff going on, i've tried some synth demos and i can't get anything like... inspiring or something. Suggestions for lack of creativity here maybe? drums are sd and ssd, bass is pitched guitar.

Basically i'm hoping it won't make your house blow like i was so used to leave the lows so wild.

what do you think? worth moving on?

ow btw, the guitar fart fart fart in the middle... i was hoping to put some synth stuff there or something, just left for reference farts.
sounds pretty cool to me man, definitely a lot of lows going on haha
maybe the synth stuff could be used as a short intro track into a full song? idk just shootin ideas

what synth demos were they? sounded like some pretty awesome stuff going on
thanks dood, synths i was using was citrus and i added a guitar with the step effect in amplitube, pitchifted and shit so it sounds all kind'a synthy, maybe i added some saturation too, it's basically a lot of crap to get that digital shit sound ;D
thanks man, maybe i abused the clipper, i'll try a diff one, and lower my abusive settings, i kind'a hate how L2 smashes everything so i was like trying to not do that.. and used gain + clipper and that was it, thanks for your comment!
yup, i've heard the demo on his site too, looks promising :) anyone tested it in like... long ass sessions?... i just don't want anything to crash so i prefer to wait for the perfect plugins to be in solid states, not beta, 'cause when my pc crashes, my musical erection goes away, and stuff gets broken. Hate it!
The only bug i've noticed so far is a denormal number issue, which causes your cpu to overload if the plugin get's no input after a while.. I haven't recieved any crash reports so I guess it's pretty safe.. You might be better off waiting for the final release though :p
The only bug i've noticed so far is a denormal number issue, which causes your cpu to overload if the plugin get's no input after a while.. I haven't recieved any crash reports so I guess it's pretty safe.. You might be better off waiting for the final release though :p

It's not like i'm a pretentious bitch, it's just i HATE when it happens (maybe 'cause i run on win7) , i'll give it a try for sure anyway, can't be dissapointed with such a cool product you already released, and.. the day you make a dual rect sim, bricks will be shat.

@ xClayman: glad you like it buddy! thanks

edit: in 222 more posts, my postcount will be metal.
I tried it. It's not that different to TSS really, more options which is good. I think it does sound better. Diode 2 kicks ass.

Onqel needs to finish the X50 because I was really not impressed with the LeCto. :(