Song or Albums with emotional impact


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
So - for some reason today I've been a bit down for one reason or another, no particular reason, just a sad day - we all have them every now and then don't we.

Well - this has lead me to listen to various things from my collection in an attempt to cheer myself up. Mind you when I do this I tend to listen to things that I have an emotional attachment to for one reason or another be it sad or happy.

I figured I'd put out what worked for me today and see what others listen to when looking for some emotional impact whatever it may be - happy, sad, angry... Music that for some reason really grabs you and moves you.

I'll be honest that for me at least - it's very often not metal I listen to when sad or the exact opposite, extremely happy, but metal does meet my emotional need for other times.

Today the disc that has me feeling better is:

Kate Bush - "Hounds of Love"

Not only is it one of my favorite records ever - quite possibly front to back, my favorite. It is an emotional roller coaster for me in both is production and it's presentation. Kate self-produced the album with several engineers and if you have never heard it, you really need to - it's phenomenal production wise and in it's great song writing (she really knows how to lay out a song for maximum emotional impact) - each and every song has incredible dynamics - everything down to the panning is perfect. She simply is the best female vocalist ever (an opinion shared by many).

How can you go wrong with songs like "Running Up That Hill (A Deal with God)", "Mother Stands for Comfort", "Cloudbusting", "Waking the Witch" or any other track on this disc.

Makes me smile and cry - but ultimately cheers me up with it's perfection.

So today that's my emotional impact album. While I listened to other stuff for that emotional connection - this did it for me today. If you have never heard this album do yourself a favor - I'm pretty sure you will add it to your collection if for nothing more than a great reference CD.

Feel free to provide feedback and other music that provides you the same type of response.
Brother - Warrel Dane - I cant even listen to it anymore! I just break down every time I hear it. Shit I'm even getting teary eyed just thinking about it.

My life situation is similar except its my sister, not my brother. Just had a huge falling out years ago over retarded bullshit and she refuses to try and work it out. Kills me that I don't get to talk to her anymore :(
anything ryan adams has ever done always kills me.

sigur ros usually does the trick.

i really like cary brothers stuff a lot (the song "honestly" is a heart breaker)

This british band Long-view has some great ballads that pull at your heart strings.

Im trying to think of metal that does this to me and im havin a hard time. a couple of misery signals songs off of "malice...." do it. metal is usually not an "emotional" genre. haha
Cryptopsy - Once Was Not
album makes me feel emotions I had no idea even existed

Earth - Earth 2
Pure majesty

Massacre - Meltdown
the joy of pure musical insanity

Gravetemple - The Holy Down
musical reflection of war, death, inhumanity

Gorguts - Obscura
pure madness

Painkiller - Execution Ground
first time I heard this was in the caro n the way back home the day after seeing sunn and as the second track kicked in the sun was setting over the horizon and i was suddenly totally overwhelmed by sheer beauty
i couldn't speak, couldn't move, couldn't think, everything came to a total standstill because all i could feel was beauty, and it was crippling to the point of physical and mental shutdown
that and the music's atmosphere and mix go hand in hand to paint very powerful sonic pictures

miles davis - bitches brew
jazz is dangerous dangerous ground kids
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires Circumspice
Dissection - The Somberlain
Gorgoroth - Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam
Kings Of Leon - Aha Shake Heartbreak

Anything melancholic really
Boston - Long Time. It's my all time favorite song for many reasons. But one of those reasons: No matter how bad I feel, how bad my mood is, how sad or depressed I am, or how filled with hatred and rage I am, that song always turns my mood around. ALWAYS. (at least for the few minutes the song is playing) Don't even think about talking to me when that song is playing (so my family has found out :) ) It gets my full, undivided attention.
It Prevails - Capture and Embrace (the whole album)

Alter Bridge - In Loving Memory

Anything by Owl City takes me back to my Europe trip at the start of this year *sigh*
Damien Rice - O is an amazing album that touches me more than any other release ever.

Bon Iver's Skinny Love is a great song too, but each and every song in O reaches its level, making it the most touching record ever recorded IMO.