Song structure


Dec 5, 2006
Basically i want to get into writing progressive metal, but i dont know alot of theory about the song stuctures of prog, does anybody know any good books or websites that teach can teach this?
if you set out to create progressive metal, you will create comma-inducing trash. Start by writing a good song, and if you end up using a lot of riffs and time signatures and whatnot then fine.
When it comes to developing structures, I usually listen to a few songs of similar style and base my structure on them. Of course you can build on it, but thats a good starting point imo.

One thing I try to do for progressive music (lyrically) is use strange meter or rhyme schemes. And I try avoiding the intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, song structure I hear a lot.

But I agree with Tagradh, if what you're aiming for really isn't for you, then don't strain to do it. It most likely won't work out for you.
Every song starts with the riff....the one you keep playing wonder what the hell you do next. Don't set out to write some 10 minute song with 57 riffs and 21 guitar solos. Just find the riff and piece it together.
I kinda agree with Phoenix and Tagradh.. I listen to others songs, same genre, to get some ideas, but the coolest is to fuck the rules and just do what ever you feel like :D.. Just remember, that you should never copy any songs or bands riffs etc.. One of my friends, friends copys Bullet For My Valentine, and to be honest.. It sucks. Some of the riffs are the exact same, except like one note difference or something.
Yeah the way I see it is that progressive music challenges you to step out of the intro, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, outro norm...

Just jam around and see where you go. Aim for a good song and try not to force a song into an idea though, if you let it the song should almost write itself. :)
the approach im using now is to write the climax of the song first and base the rest of the song around that, i think its going just swimmingly
Just remember, that you should never copy any songs or bands riffs etc.. One of my friends, friends copys Bullet For My Valentine, and to be honest.. It sucks. Some of the riffs are the exact same, except like one note difference or something.
On the TabIt forums, two people have had their music stolen. In one case, someone noticed that a local band's myspace sounded a lot like one of TabIt's original artists and created a thread about it. As it turned out, every one of their songs was stolen. They didn't even bother to rearrange anything, they just downloaded the kid's tabs, learned them and published everything as their own. They were even in the process of signing with a small label when the original artist filed charges against them. Fortunately, the administrator was able to verify the original upload dates of all his tabs and he won the case.

The other case was the discovery of a MIDI "album" on another forum. The poster downloaded an entire album of one kid's tabs, exported the MIDIs, changed the titles, and even used the band name of someone else from the TabIt site. When it was discovered, a bunch of TabIt members registered for the other forum, bumped the year old thread and made sure that everyone knew that the MIDIs and band name were stolen from two different people. Unfortunately, the poster was no longer active on that forum, so we never received an explanation and the admin of the forum banned all the TabIt members.