SongIdentification please help


New Metal Member
Mar 5, 2011
i just recorded a sample from the old, very old audiocasette.. the quality is hmm but you hear enough to please help me.
i have exactly no idea what song/band that ist. guess old school sleaze?

anyways, i've put a sample up @ this link

gotta love the song, would be great if you could point me into the right direction!

as for lyrics serahc.. i did it all, no results.
thanx again,
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I doubt it's local 'cause the singer is too good to be local :-p
Got to listen to it a few times more, also seem to have heard the voice before...

Maybe you guys can tell if it's English or American by the accent ?
The singer sounds familiar to me as well. To my ears it sure sounds like one of those US metal bands from the early or mid 80s. I'd wish the OP would have ripped the whole song.
The guy sounds familiar to me as well. I also think it sounds like an American band. Most everyone sounds similar now (as far as not having an accent,) but back then most non-English first singers had a strong accent. Storace was one of many exceptions though. It could be a euro band, but the music also sort of sounded "American" as well.
