Songs currently kicking your ass.

@CASSETTEISGOD this song finally got me, man. It's perfect. As the entire album is.

I heard "When the Oar Strikes the Water" way back when that album came out and loved it to pieces, but for no good reason I never followed up on the actual album. I was wrong and now I have to listen to it many times on repeat.


I've been getting into Reverend Bizarre more and more recently, and "Doom Over the World" is one of my fucking anthems.
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Finally familiarizing myself with Black Sabbath's non-Ozzie and non-Dio material. Committing to at least six listens each. I didn't like Born Again when I listened to it a few years ago, but some of the songs are really growing on me. Sure, some of the tracks are run-of-the-mill 80s metal, but the title track is deliciously evil and the chorus of "Keep it Warm" is fucking catchy.

I don't remember much good about non-Ozzy/Dio Sabbath, but Headless Cross is a pretty good retread of Heaven and Hell.