Songs currently kicking your ass.

Finally familiarizing myself with Black Sabbath's non-Ozzie and non-Dio material. Committing to at least six listens each. I didn't like Born Again when I listened to it a few years ago, but some of the songs are really growing on me. Sure, some of the tracks are run-of-the-mill 80s metal, but the title track is deliciously evil and the chorus of "Keep it Warm" is fucking catchy.

Disturbing the Priest is a classics Sabbath track. Easily the best from that massively underrated album.

I don't listen to that much brutal death metal, but in the past few days I've been checking out a lot of shit and got back around to Severe Torture, a band I've liked for a while but have still been kind of sleeping on. I love how they don't do mindlessly techy or mindlessly br00tal. It just does meat and potatoes brutal death metal with some of the sickest riffs around and actual songs.

... and wait for the ricochet