Songs to practice for guitar beginners.

i used both methods for the first few years of playing. back then guitar magazines actually transcribed good songs so i'd do those, but that still meant 90% of what i wanted to play i still had to learn by ear. there like, was no internet when i first started. :loco:

i don't often learn songs anymore (just when my band wants to cover something) but when i do i only use my ear. comes very easy to me now, and i'd rather improvise than learn it perfect anyhow.
oh shitz, Corrosion of Conformity. i don't even really play guitar but i've learned a ton of their songs, and even a few solos. fun stuff!
oh yeah and Hendrix can teach you everything you ever need to know, provided you're up to the challenge.
Oh, forgot.

If you want to impress chicks, LEARN LED ZEPPELIN SONGS!
Anytime I want poonani, I don't have to do much mre than bust out the "Stairway to Heaven" solo (which isn't that difficult).
once I was NAD said:
just curious why you say this? Metallica riffs are an EXCELLENT place to start, they teach you to be very tight. what are your goals?

try to learn by ear rather than using tabs right away.

Because, I played a lot of their stuff recently.
Dick Sirloin said:
If you want to impress chicks, LEARN LED ZEPPELIN SONGS!
Anytime I want poonani, I don't have to do much mre than bust out the "Stairway to Heaven" solo (which isn't that difficult).

You're entirely right and I'm guilty of doing it myself, but I passionately hate those cliche asshole motherfuckers that sit around at parties playing Zeppelin tunes. You can tell a smart chick if she's ignoring him.
meh, i cant stand ANYONE who sits around at parties and plays anything. not just Zep.
the worst though is people who play a riff or two from whatever song is popular at the time. one of family members does that constantly. "ooooo! weezer! great!"
hey remember that episode of "Salute your shorts" where budnick makes that other kid listen to guitar riffs until he's able to differentiate between megadeth and metallica riffs?
MFJ said:
You're entirely right and I'm guilty of doing it myself, but I passionately hate those cliche asshole motherfuckers that sit around at parties playing Zeppelin tunes. You can tell a smart chick if she's ignoring him.

Smart chicks don't usually put out, though. :grin: