Beginner Guitar Songs


a sad-mad cloud
Apr 14, 2007
Blackwater Park
Hey, calling all metal guitarists around here, to unite and make this the ultimate thread for aspiring guitarists, beginners, or those who just want to learn new metal songs. I think a thread like this could go a long way.

So, know any relatively easy metal songs to play on guitar (solos and all)?
Obviously Black Sabbath are a goldmine for easy metal songs to play, Iron Man or Paranoid will get you headbanging in no time.

Katatonia are another good band for easy-ish guitar songs, some of the stuff off of their album Discouraged Ones is good if you like that kind of music.

I teach a lot of beginner guitarists so this thread should be a great help for me in finding songs to teach those who are more metal-inclined.
If you want to learn death metal, I'd transcribe by ear the second albums from Slayer and Celtic Frost. If that doesn't teach you...

For metal in general, Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. The riffs are simple, but playing the whole enchilada in time with grace is not.
hibernal_dream said:
I like these suggestions, but I need sheet music or tabs. Where?

I learnt alot of sheet music at school. But if you aren't so keen on learning that sort of stuff you can learn Tab.

If thats the case, which it was for me when I first started then I suggest downloading the demo of guitar pro (if you still can) and downloading a few tracks (again, if they are availiable) off the website

Otherwise you can search for tracks on the internet via a search engine. There are some good tab sites out there that may or may not give you accurate tabs, but hey... I don't learn off tabs anymore but if I did, I'd start there.

Happy searching mate. I hope I helped.