Songwriting vs. Playing Ability


Evil Creation
Oct 15, 2002
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Which one is more important for you and why?

Reason for asking this is that CoB was used as an example in debate that we (me and few friends) had, and there was very diverse opinions about Bodoms music...From boring technical shredding to masterful songwriting.
both are important.
One is more important than the other when one makes the song sound cool because of itself (i'm not being very clear, but for example: if it is the ability that makes the song cool, then it's more important. If it's the other way, songwriting is more important)

You gotta learn how to mix both correctally (and not turn good songs into pain in the ass on the solo parts like Kevin Moore did with DT :p )
You can create cool music if you are shitty player.

And even if you we're technically the best player in the world, no one would want to listen if your songs sucked.

- Ade
Even a poor player can make great song sound awesome, but a great player cant make poor song sound awesome. Simple facts.

edit: oh, Ade said it already..:cry: sorry..
depends also on the style. in punk for example you don't need to have great tecnical skills to write good songs.

in metal it's more important. and of course it's good if you are a great guitar player, because then you have more possibilities in songwriting. you have not limited to easy riffs and slow solos.
Both are important. But I think that song writing is more important. It depends on the style though as arraken1 said. Sometimes if you're trying to show your skills you lose the point but I don't think that can happen the other way. I mean that you can write a well-writed song but without having greate skills.
just imagine cob songs without all the great technical stuff.... and then tell me guitar skill is not important... as i said. in metal, playing ability is important. only in dumbass music like (most) punk and pop shit you don't need to have any skills...

but of course it's a combination of both, that makes good music
@ you say punk has no good songs. but then you say it's all about songwriting, and playing ability isn't important.

so if playing ability isn't important at all, what music are you listening to? punk?? ;)