Soooo, who will be in Austin, TX this Friday to see COB?


\m/ \m/
Jan 3, 2002
Suburbs of Chicago
Visit site
I will be there!! I am flying into Houston on Wednesday to be with my honey:). We will be driving to Austin on Friday to see the almighty Children of Bodom! I was there for their first U.S. appearance and I wouldn't miss this second appearance for the world!!! SO, anyone else from the board gonna be there?
Hmmm.......miss one day of school.......or go see CoB. Oh no, what shall I do? (Insert sarcasm here). Pull your heads out of your asses! At least CoB is going there! If they were coming here, I wouldn't miss it for the fucking world!

NP: Norther - The Final Countdown (Europe Cover)
maybe if they came a few hundred miles closer then I would be there. other reasons: no car, no money, no friends with vehicles like COB

therefore I am SOL.:cry:
ShadowLioness said:
I will be there!! I am flying into Houston on Wednesday to be with my honey:). We will be driving to Austin on Friday to see the almighty Children of Bodom! I was there for their first U.S. appearance and I wouldn't miss this second appearance for the world!!! SO, anyone else from the board gonna be there?

I have to warn you about the SXSW show. We have no gear no techincal crew nothing... but we´ll try our best to kick ass.

Zarok666 said:
It was the same in Milwaukee, wasn't it? You also didn't have your own stuff but it worked somehow.

Yep the same thing. We can´t fly over our gear or crew for promotional gigs we don´t get paid. I hope it goes ok. And we got a letter from SXSW that says "theres no local stagehands or technicians to help you"...
I´ve heard touring the states is a bitch but...

Wow, sounds like some hard work for you. I hope everything works well and you are able to play a cool gig without any bigger problems.
Woe, see what happens when I don't visit the board for a few days? Hehe...I get responses!

Yes people, they will be in Texas...and as far as I know, it's their only gig here in the States right now. As Janne said, it's a promotional thing, but a great opportunity nonetheless. I was in Milwaukee and I honestly didn't think it sounded was just a shame that COB got put in such a small room
. I think they could have easily handled the main stage...ah well. I have never been to this venue that they are playing at or Austin, TX for that matter...but I am very much looking forward to the gig. Janne, that sucks that you guys will have no support...and I really don't understand that since this is a place which holds live music on a regular basis. It's shit like this that happens all too often for bands that come here and ultimately kind of scares some bands away. There have been a lot of European bands that have toured here though with great success..hopefully COB can be one of those someday!:)